The 8th House in Astrology : crises
This house represents crises, transformations and evolutions, losses, money from others, sexuality, the occult, secrecy, it is a complex house…
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This house represents crises, transformations and evolutions, losses, money from others, sexuality, the occult, secrecy, it is a complex house…
This house represents philosophy, religion, higher education, law, travel, foreign countries, spiritual elevation, integration…
This house represents social achievement, public life, professional destiny, celebrity potential, self-affirmation…
The 10th House, Midheaven in Astrology : Social Accomplishment Read More »
This house represents collective projects, friendships, support, common goals and hopes, creative intuitions, emancipation…
This house represents the Inner Self, introspection, sacrifice, retreat, trials, confinement, hidden enemies…
How can we analyze what we consider to be empty / void in a chart and interpret it ? houses without a planet, imbalances…
Emptiness or “void” in Astrology (empty house or sign without planet) Read More »