Black Moon in Signs or in Houses in birth chart

Descriptions of The Black Moon in Birth Chart in the Zodiac Signs and Personal Houses

The Black Moon in birth chart is a karmic factor of the highest order, it describes both an incarnation seed, as I detail well in my article on the triangle of incarnation, with the Sun and the lunar nodes, and it therefore materializes at the same time strong attractions, which require imperative processing in this existence, but also fears, inhibitions, complexes, which may require time before being sublimated…

As a karmic factor, it goes beyond a purely “characterological” description, to enter into more “metaphysical” notions, and therefore in some ways more elusive, since it is an “ancestral heritage”, which in some way we must “purge” or transcend…

Its chart placement must therefore be analyzed in this light, on the one hand for the Shadow it represents, the sensitive part that can destabilize psychically and bring parts of depression (in the same way as what Pluto and Saturn in particular can sometimes bring), but also in the idea that it also represents a direct stepping stone in the path of individuation.

We should especially listen to the “intuitions” that are raised by the area it values, as they can be very helpful to the unblocking of various complexes that one may have, they can correspond to a “call” that pushes us to evolve in consciousness along a certain path, but it can also be very extreme, producing diametrically opposite contrasts in its effects.

The Black Moon has to be more directly related to the Anima, the feminine part, and is not experienced in the same way by women and men, the latter will tend to project these values more easily in their relational, while they can be embodied more directly by the Anima.

The Black Moon stays around 273 days per sign (completing its full cycle in 9 years), its position in houses is much more telling for personality and its position in sign tends to be more collective, it gives a more global archetypal color that will subordinate.

Be careful not to confuse this with the Black Moon in transits, I am describing here the energies at work in your birth chart (the potentialities and projections they may represent within your personality), these interpretations are general in nature and are only meant to give a small idea of principle, they must be nuanced by taking into account the birth chart as a whole, including the Aspects realized and the Rulerships.

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