
The Black Moon in the 2nd house or Taurus in birth chart

These are global energies of the Black moon in Taurus or in the 2nd House which must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Black Moon in birth chart; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Black moon.
It represents an important karmic factor, at the same time a seed of incarnation (see the Triangle of incarnation), a source of attractions, compulsions, and also of fears, introversions.
The black moon is one of the attributes of the Anima in the chart, and as such it can indicate a Projection of the latter…
As the black moon remains 273 days per sign, its position in the houses is more telling for the personality, the archetypal color of the sign modulates according to it. Consequently, focus on the house impacted in the interpretation, the analysis of the sign must be subordinated to it.

Overcompensation with the goal of reassurance

The black moon in the 2nd house or Taurus highlights the axis of possessions, so it may very much activate certain fears of losses, destruction, shortages, or dispossession; as a result it may require that we work on reinforcing our sources of security, and in doing so it may put us directly in contact with the notions of detachment, renunciation, and letting go.

This position may very much put us face-to-face with questions of “securing” things in various ways. We may feel attacked more easily and want to protect ourselves, take hold of things, and preserve things (both people and possessions), so as to reassure ourselves, but karmically there may actually be a need to live, “strip things bare” over the course of our incarnation, and experience starkness so as to focus on what is truly “important” again!

This black moon may thus lead to a significant “crisis of values,” and it is not rare to find people with this positioning who have quickly built large fortunes, but also other people who have experienced substantial setbacks, even a crushing loss of social position, or phases of disintegration that weigh heavily on them, for example.

This may translate into daily life through money, food, and affectivity, as well as really anything that might compensate for emotional deficiencies, anything that could come into play to overcompensate for a loss or a lack of security or trust, and anything that forces these people to renounce what is known and has been mastered so as to instead adopt a new, evolutionary line of thought.

In some cases these people may have a desire to accumulate and collect, and wealth or success may come easily, while in other cases we may find vows of poverty or misfortunes that lead these people to focus on new values, or even to fight in some way so as to be able to preserve that which has been acquired or inherited.

We often associate this sector with work and money, but to understand how this black moon truly works it is necessary to understand exactly what the elements are that are directly connected to the value that society assigns to us personally!

And the black moon in the 2nd house / Taurus may impart certain fears or draws/aversions related to these elements, for example making it hard for these people to actually get fair pay for their personal investments or to trust in what is established, or, on the contrary, as the black moon often works by way of pairs of opposites, these people’s eyes may be bigger than their stomach, they may be too eager, they may have megalomaniac tendencies, or they may tend to think too highly of themselves or be full of themselves and ask for too much.

It will be important for these people to be able to channel their “thirst” and “hunger” (no matter what form these take) and not fall into unbridled materialism and consumerism, wild desire, or prodigality, while also on the extreme opposite end not falling into excessive asceticism and mortification, dependency, or stinginess (see the life of the Buddha, whose solar sign is in fact often designated as Taurus).

This is a position that may essentially require that we find a different source of joy in life, perhaps a simpler, more authentic one at that, and that we redefine what “pleasure” really is, as this is what may give rise to the various “losses and dispossessions” that occur on the karmic path of our existence.

In some cases, this may surface in relation to “social management” of possessions and money. It is also important for these people to take care to not get taken advantage of or spoiled in some way by others, for example, even by their spouse, and they should also take care not to crush or dominate other people or get noticed because of their means rather than because of who they are deep down.

Learning how to “share” may be an important thing with the black moon in this position, that is, knowing how to divide things up and help others benefit and, as the saying goes, not living to make money, but making money to live, finding deeper meaning and balance.

Another facet of the Venusian energies of Taurus has to do with its sensuality, and it is also important with the black moon in this position to not stay focused on affective disappointments or frustrations and to find ways of consciously expressing sexual potency, forces of carpe diem, and forces related to deep desires.

Celebrities with Black Moon in 2nd House

Napoleon I, Steve Jobs, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Mariah Carey, Warren Buffett, Winston Churchill, Alfred Hitchcock, Giacomo Casanova, Bradley Cooper, Michael Schumacher, Charles Bronson, John Paul II, Aristotle Onassis, Pablo Escobar…

Celebrities with Black Moon in Taurus

Friedrich Nietzsche, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, René Descartes, Orson Welles, Julia Roberts, Bruce Lee, Celine Dion, Kevin Spacey, Jean Paul Belmondo, Charles Aznavour, Honoré de Balzac, Richard Branson…

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