Pluto in Signs or in Houses in birth chart

Descriptions of Pluto in Birth Chart in the Signs and Houses of the zodiac

Pluto in birth chart is a place of depth, quest, upheaval, also harboring a certain darkness, a power struggle, ambition for dominance or submission, sometimes destruction or self-destruction.
Its placement in chart is to be linked directly to notions of instinct and self-control, fate, fears, betrayals, losses, passions and obsessions, to the search for a certain purity too (discovering things crudely, abandoning what must be, the false pretenses, to move forward more lightly and face the real).
The planet is quite difficult to classify on an archetypal level, some astrologers attribute to it a part of the Anima, others see it as more direct manifestations of the Animus, it is more surely directly a part of the Shadow in us.
It is directly in the contradictory image of its sign the Scorpio, the most masculine of the feminine signs, and the hottest of the Water signs…
Pluto has a totally irregular orbit, being at times even closer than Neptune to the Earth, the planet takes from 12 years to pass through its Scorpio domicile and up to about 30 years for a sign like Taurus, and 248 years to complete its zodiac tour, its position in houses is much more telling for the personality. The energy of the sign mostly gives a background elemental coloration, common to an entire generation, which will apply more personally to the life sector signified by the house. Consequently, focus especially first on the house impacted, the sign giving a background tone.
In particular, read the very good and comprehensive book Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeff Green.
Be careful not to confuse this with Pluto in transits, here I describe the Plutonian energies at work in your birth chart (the potentialities and projections they may represent within your personality), these interpretations are general in nature and are only meant to give a small idea of principle, they must be nuanced by taking into account the birth chart as a whole, including the Aspects realized and the Rulerships.

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