Saturn in Signs or in Houses in birth chart

Descriptions of Saturn in birth chart in the zodiac signs

Saturne in birth chart is a “principle of reality”, it forces us powerfully to seriousness, to rigor, to structuring, even to austerity and in a sense these principles also act as organizational force. It sets us limits, invites us to be more mature, to grow, especially socially, where we assume the most responsibilities, to be integrated into society.
The planet also represents time, therefore both slowness and delay, but also points of perseverance and patience, of wisdom necessary to cultivate.
It also represents a part of the Animus, in particular it is a facet of the archetype of the “father” rather in its restrictive and constraining aspect.
As Saturn remains about 2 and a half years per sign, its position in houses is more meaningful for the personality. The energy of the sign gives above all an elemental background color common to an age group, which will apply more personally to the area of life meant by the house. Therefore, focus first and foremost on the impacted house, the sign giving a background tone.
Read in particular the very interesting book “Saturn : A new look at an old Devil” from Liz Greene.
Be careful not to confuse with Saturn in transits, I describe here the Saturnian energies at work in your birth chart (the potentialities and projections that they may represent within your personality), these interpretations are of a general nature and only aim to give a small idea of principle, they must be nuanced by taking into account the birth chart in its entirety, notably the realized Aspects and the Rulerships.

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