Lunar Nodes in Signs or in Houses in birth chart

Descriptions of Lunar Nodes in Birth Chart in Zodiac Signs and Personal astrological Houses

The lunar nodes in birth chart are obviously a karmic factor of the first order, they describe both the karmic innate bases (the liabilities, the facilities we have : the south node), as well as our fundamental incarnational purpose (what we need to develop and understand : the north node) see the notion of the triangle of incarnation where the lunar nodes play an important role, with the Sun and the Black Moon, they really represent an axis of development, a complete polarity (one cannot analyze one without necessarily deducing things immediately from its opposite polarity), and this necessarily represents a very important imperative evolutionary load in this existence, but also with various fears, introversions, excesses, which can be crystallized and require time before being sublimated (the north node must be developed over the duration of the entire life)…

We can never repeat it enough, this polarization does not necessarily imply a “qualitative” notion, the south node does not necessarily imply something bad from which one must imperatively detach oneself, and one should not tend at all costs towards the north node either, even if one does not understand anything about this one! they represent a lot of a liability to transcend, both an inherited pattern and the need to “purge” things…

You can’t really split their interpretation of the solar forces and of the karmic forces of the black moon, there is an overall “whole” there that outlines a path to individuation, really with a marker indicating where you come from, where you are, but also ultimately where you are going, what kinds of psychological patterns and complexities relate to the fundamental structure, and therefore also how to be able to sublimate them over the course of a lifetime.

It is important to understand that the south node represents a karmic base that can be built upon but which will also be able to crystallize excessive forces; whereas the north node can represent something quite inaccessible or incomprehensible at the base of the incarnation! (and except for very particular pattern).

It is important here to analyze their respective rulers, which are called “karmic regents” for the occasion, because they specify the expression of this polarity, and can give additional details on their realization and externalization.
Likewise the planets that can be conjoined to them are to be studied more closely, always in terms of notions of “excess” on the south node side, and of “difficulties of access” to planetary energies on the north node side.

Lunar nodes stay about 1 and a half year per sign (completing their full cycle in about 18 years, or 2 cycles of the Black Moon), their position in houses is much more telling for personality and their position in signs tends to be more collective, it gives a more global archetypal color that will subordinate itself.

Be careful not to confuse this with the Lunar Nodes in transits, I am describing here the energies at work in your birth chart, these interpretations are general and are only meant to give a small idea of principle, they need to be nuanced by taking into account the whole birth chart, especially the Aspects realized and the Rulerships.

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