
Pluto in the 7th House or Libra in birth chart

These are global energies of Pluto in Libra or in the 7th House which must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Pluto in birth chart; see also the article on the general interpretation of Pluto.
The planet Pluto is one of the attributes of the Shadow in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one, especially intellectual projections on “social entities” (political party, club, syndicate, nation, church, etc.), everything that concerns more directly the psychological quest, the depth of spirit, the intensity of primary instincts.
It can materialize a place of upheavals, fear, destruction, fatality, losses, betrayals, darkness, submission, as it is also a vector of passion, domination, power, self-control, creation of purity.
It is often referred to the higher octave of Mars and is directly related to Scorpio.
As Pluto remains from 12 to 30 years per sign (due to the irregularity of its orbit), its position in houses is more meaningful for the personality. The energy of the sign especially gives a common elemental background coloring to a whole generation, which will apply more personally to the life sector signified by the house. Therefore, focus first on the house affected, the sign giving a background tone.

Transformative power of connections with others

Here, this planet is in an angular position, so this is a strong position for it where it has a cardinal, action-focused dynamic which allows its forces to be more openly expressed.

We are in the sector of Projections here, which implies that we may more directly find these forces in interpersonal relationships, that is, relationships with others, including in emotional, romantic relationships.

And with the Plutonian forces involved, this promises magnetism and intensity, both for the better, for example in terms of the strength of the connection, the feelings involved, and a need for depth, such that this may go against the superficial nature of the Libra archetype in its natural state, and also for the worse, since these are also energies that may directly activate possessiveness, power struggles, games of domination, or jealousy, and there is a certain degree of violence that can quickly become part of the conversation, all of which are things that may be initiated by these people or that they may be subjected to.

With this positioning, transformative forces often come into play for, through, and by way of “others,” connections, and unions; it’s almost as though social and affective interactions allow for a sort of rebirth of these people’s individual personality over the course of their incarnation, so these interactions are very powerful.

Pluto in the 7th house / Libra may, for example, favor having a partner who is a Scorpio or who has significant Plutonian influences (Pluto in a conjunction with the luminaries, the angles, or their birth chart’s ruler, a highly developed 8th house, etc.), and this partner may have a very significant catalytic effect on these people, allowing them to see parts of themselves that had been unexplored until then or that they did not want to see or could not see.

This is a fairly antagonistic position in terms of its relationship with the intrinsically more open and sociable nature of this archetype; here, the opposite is more the case, as there is a doubtful, suspicious energy present that remains cautious and wary, as well as an outlook on things that is more naturally aggressive, harsher, and quicker to confront people, and these people may even be more “socially fearful” of others in a way.

This energy may be very useful in politics, for example, because it may give people a strategic side, allowing them to master the forces of persuasion, diversion, trickery, and deviousness to achieve their aims.

In terms of negatives, this is a position that may apply excessiveness to interpersonal relationships, which may of course lead to roller coasters when it comes to social, affective, and emotional matters.

Tendencies towards manipulation, whether these people are using this tactic or suffering from it, may be very harmful, especially because people with this positioning need to go to other people to seek out certain keys for their metaphysical evolution, and this may be very delicate and double-edged, so these people are bound to feel this ambiguity, this antagonism, of both attraction and revulsion, which may easily turn into love and hate.

Therefore, with this positioning, it is clearly especially important to analyze all of the energies of Libra and the 7th house, as well as the forces of Venus, since these are factors that may directly influence any Plutonian expression.
For that matter, the same goes for activations through Progressions and Transits of Pluto, which may describe specific periods, especially in relation to love or emotions.
The same also goes for Synastry, where these forces are more strategic in how they are established, in terms of their interaspects, etc.

It is important to set up strict, healthy boundaries, especially in an affective context, in marriages, unions, and partnerships, and to avoid being subjected to other people’s obsessions, domination, jealousy, violence, or perversity and being crushed without taking action.

This position may very much favor “fatality” in these people’s relationships with their partners; the notions of destruction, loss, and death may more readily come out through this relationship in various ways.

Pluto retrograde in the 7th house and Libra

This planet’s Retrograde motion here may make these people’s social side more introverted, thus having an effect on their socialization in general, which again goes against the nature of this sector’s archetype.

Retrograde motion of Pluto in a birth chart is much less important than for other dominant features of a birth chart, since, as it is a very slow, transpersonal planet, it is retrograde for much of the year.
Nevertheless, it is helpful to monitor the evolution of this retrograde motion through Progressions; a change of state here will not necessarily lead to a specific, noteworthy event, but it may still be an indication of a non-negligible psychological change in how this planet’s energies are used.

Celebrities with Pluto in 7th House

Charles Baudelaire, Malcolm X, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jean Paul Sartre, Louis XIV, Charlie Chaplin, Nelson Mandela, Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston, Ryan Gosling, Elizabeth Taylor, JK Rowling, Sean Connery, Benito Mussolini, Warren Buffett, Frederic Chopin, Rasputin, Barack Obama…

Celebrities with Pluto in Libra

Martin Luther, George Washington, Henry VIII, Fernand de Magellan, Catherine II of Russia, Leonardo DiCaprio, Monica Lewinsky, Matthew Bellamy, Edward Snowden, Emmanuel Macron, Anders Breivik…

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