
Retrograde motion of planets in Astrology

Retrograde Planets

A retrograde planet is a planet whose movement appears to be reversed.
In reality, this phenomenon is an illusion caused by the orbital periods of the different planets around the Sun in relation to our point of view from Earth; sometimes the earth is faster (compared to the planets that are outside of its orbit), while other times it is slower (compared to the planets that are inside of its orbit).
Only the Sun and the Moon, the two luminaries, never go retrograde.

In astronomical terms, this phenomenon always occurs when the planet is at its closest to the Earth, which is important symbolically.
Retrograde motion is the result of a geocentric viewpoint (when seen from the perspective of the Sun, the planets never go retrograde). We must always study a planet in the context of its cyclical relationship with the Sun (paying attention to inferior and/or superior Conjunction as well as Opposition).

A retrograde loop is made up of several phases :


  • direct motion, superior conjunction (1)
  • (2) first a slowing down and then a full stop (3), the “retrograde station”,
  • followed by retrograde motion (4),
  • inferior conjunction (5), the planet, still retrograde, becomes a morning star
  • next comes another phase of slowing down, the “direct station” (5-6),
  • and a return to direct motion until the next loop occurs (6).
  • the exit from the loop (7)
  • the final moment of passing over the early parts of the loop (8)
  • direct motion and the next superior conjunction (9)

NB: a retrograde loop is identical for inferior and superior planets except that exterior planets do not have a Conjunction with the Sun because their retrograde phase occurs when they are in Opposition (at point 5)

See Apparent retrograde motion in astronomy on Wikipedia.

In traditional astrology, the concept of retrograde motion was linked to internalization and introspection because these processes of development and spiritual growth are not innate, but rather the fruit of intentional reflection, unlike natural biological and psychological influences. In a way, this spiritual process develops “against” one’s instincts, in contrast to one’s primal, spontaneous tendencies.
In karmic astrology, a retrograde planet is seen as an “energetic kink”, or in other words an evolving constraint inherited from the past, which shapes a person’s present incarnation.

Retrograde motion is a reorientation of the planetary functions of the retrograde planet, and this period of transition allows for the assimilation of the conventional values of the planet in a different mode, more introverted manner. A retrograde planet should be experienced as a retrograde planet; it is important not to force its expression in a direct way.
A more precise definition of different modes of expression and assimilation is given on each planet’s page.

A retrograde planet tends to be ruled more by its secondary rulership in traditional astrology :

In astrology, the retrogradations of inforior and superior planets are interpreted in markedly different ways.

One should also differentiate between the interpretation of retrograde motion in a Birth chart and in Transits.

These topics are addressed below.

Retrogradation of the inferior planets (interior)

The relevant planets here are Mercury and Venus. These two planets are integrally connected to individuality, personality, and psychology.

These planets that are inside the Earth’s orbit, also known as fast planets, have orbital periods of 88 days and 225 days, respectively (and synodic periods of 116 days and 584 days : this period indicates the time necessary to come back to the same configuration in the cycle of relative positions of the earth/planet/sun). They go retrograde when the planet is closest to the earth and in Conjunction with the sun.
These planets, which are faster, pass the earth, and it is this passing that leads to the illusion of retrograde motion.
For the interior planets, there are actually two different types of conjunctions from the perspective of the Earth, and to understand this we need to break down the cycle:

  • planet in direct motion, maximum elongation, retrograde stationary phase, then the retrograde period, inferior conjunction, when the planet is closest to the earth; this is the equivalent of a New Moon : the momentum of the sun has been given to the planet for an entire cycle (this is the symbolism of a Conjunction), and a creative and intuitive phase begins, with the exploration of novelty.
    From the inferior conjunction to the superior conjunction, the planet is growing.
  • planet in retrograde motion, maximum elongation, direct stationary phase, then the direct period, superior conjunction, when the planet is farthest from the earth; this is the equivalent of a Full Moon, an Opposition between Mercury and the Earth from a heliocentric point of view : it is the culmination of the cycle, when it is time to put together the entirety of the growing phase, to assimilate and retain the knowledge that has been attained; a phase of maturity and analysis brings a close to the cycle.
    From the superior conjunction to the inferior conjunction, the planet is diminishing.

Thus, Mercury and Venus never complete a full circuit around the zodiac in one go, but seem to oscillate around the Sun as though they are dancing from side to side (from a geocentric viewpoint, of course).
These two planets, when viewed from the Earth, are also thus never in opposition with the Sun.
These planets are at the farthest angle from the sun in their retrograde periods : these are also called their elongation phases, which correspond to their growing and declining Squares.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, has a very small arc of retrogradation. It goes retrograde several times each year for about 23 days each time.
Venus has a larger arc of retrogradation and goes retrograde less often, about every year and a half, for around 42 days.

It is worth noting that when we are talking about Mercury’s and Venus’ domains, we should be analyzing the entirety of their cycles in relation to the Sun : the entirety of their retrograde loops, not just their retrograde periods.

See my articles on how to live a Mercury retrograde and how to live a Venus retrograde.

Retrogradation of the superior planets (exterior)

The relevant planets here are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These planets are known as social, collective, and transpersonal, because they determine our interrelation with the environment around us and the transcendence of our personality.

All of the planets that are outside of the Earth’s orbit, known as slow planets, have much longer orbital periods.
When the Earth passes a slow planet, it is this passing that produces the illusion of retrograde motion.

This retrogradation occurs when the planet is closest to the earth and is about to be in Opposition with the Sun.
This corresponds to a Full Moon phase and the culmination of the values imprinted during the Conjunction; tensions are maximized, and in that moment the retrograde period accentuates the necessities of reorientation and transformation of planetary functions in order to continue and finish the second half of the cycle.

While from Mars to Saturn the loops are spaced out between each other, starting with the trans-Saturnian planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) the retrograde loops overlap with each other and sometimes come back several times to the same points over the course of several years, creating friction in natal charts and often symbolizing difficulties in integration, introspection, and reflection.

See my articles on how to live a Mars retrograde.

Approximate lengths of the retrogradations of the exterior planets and their synodic periods:

  • Mars retrograde 73 days, synodic period 780 days
  • Jupiter retrograde 121 days, synodic period 399 days
  • Saturn retrograde 138 days, synodic period 378 days
  • Uranus retrograde 152 days, synodic period 370 days
  • Neptune retrograde 159 days, synodic period 367 days
  • Pluto retrograde 162 days, synodic period 367 days

Retrograde motion of a planet in a birth chart

Contrary in part to what one might think, a retrograde planet is not a weakened planet having lost strength in the expression of its planetary function.
Its functions are partially identical to those of a direct planet, but are more internal, receptive, subtle, indirect, and passive, officially externalized either not at all or very little.
While a direct planet looks for answers through externalization and future events, a retrograde planet looks for them through internalization and past experience.
Its sector of the sky demands slower psychological processing (-it “rests” there-) and a deepening of our general understanding, using a more detailed analysis.

In the presence of a retrograde planet in a Birth chart, the first thing to do is to try to determine what stage it is at in the sequence of its retrograde loop : retrograde station, retrograde, direct station, or direct…
Specifying its retrogradation phase gives important nuances to how it is interpreted generally and to how Progressions may play out.

The interior retrograde planets (Mercury, Venus) are more significant and impactful in a Birth chart because they truly reveal the individuality, personality, and psychology of a person; they are really attached to the person in a personalized way, and they color them, almost like a genetic fingerprint. Their retrogradations are much more frequent but also much shorter.

Exterior retrograde planets, on the other hand, because of their large arcs of retrogradation (sometimes almost half of the year), are very common and less significant for a person’s individuality and personality, even though they are still useful in analyzing social or transcendental situations.

All the planetary functions of retrograde planets are not easily expressed externally, but rather are expressed at a deep, internal level in a person. In other words, they are expressed subjectively and in a way that is not easily detectable on a surface level.

Furthermore, in Synastry, we often observe the “retrograde planet complex”, especially for the fast planets : someone with Mercury or Venus retrograde will be attracted to someone with Mercury or Venus direct or somehow highlighted.

The functions of these planets are less involved in the social, external world, but operate more as internal urges; retrograde motion stimulates internal, underlying aspects of a person’s personality, which ordinarily remain hidden or are only expressed in private.

A retrograde planet always indicates a role that is less shaped by conventional social structures, and that is thus uniquely specific in its expression in the person’s individuality, affecting what inspires them on a day-to-day basis and possibly leading them to be marginalized.
For this reason, it is important to keep all the dissonant Aspects of retrograde planets in check, since they may reinforce a person’s isolation and encourage them to avoid social confrontation (Square, Sesquisquare, Quincunx, Opposition, Ascendant, ruler of the Ascendant, Midheaven, etc.).

More than for a direct planet, a person has to make an effort to understand, integrate, and express their retrograde planet to ensure their psychological maturation process and their personal and spiritual development. As a result of the deep introspective nature of all retrograde planets, their functions will fully reveal themselves following subjective reflection.
As long as a person has not integrated the deeper significance of a planet, they will not be able to use its function in a coherent and pertinent way, which is why the Signs and Houses impacted by retrograde planets in a Birth chart are often fulfilled late and require adaptations to the conditions necessary for their fulfillment : the full expression of the planet is delayed, which is disappointing.

But retrograde planets are not negative ! This delay is more a way of taking a step back in order to take a big leap forward. Well managed, these planets may be enhanced and lead to big-picture thinking, wisdom, a more harmonious inner world, and spiritual transcendence or even enlightenment.

Retrograde planets fall under the domain of the unconscious, beyond the subconscious, and as a result they are complex and difficult to integrate objectively; the planetary function that they represent remains partially inhibited for at least part of a person’s life.

In any case, it is a good idea to inspect the entire retrograde loop throughout the Progressions of a birth chart to see when the planet returns to direct motion. These Progressions relate more to the internal potential of one’s personality than to actual events : they describe a person’s circumstances from their own perspective and the periods of great change in their deeper sense of individuality.

The positive sides of a retrograde planet in a birth chart : depth of character, wisdom, constructiveness, thoughtfulness, an original, subtle, and personal approach, humbleness, level-headedness, etc.

The negative sides of a retrograde planet in a birth chart isolation, marginalization, inhibition, depreciation, shyness, inflexibility, nervousness, a poorly understood individual, etc.

Retrograde motion of a planet in Transits

Whereas direct movement symbolizes future events, retrograde movement emphasizes past experiences. The planet must “return” to a path that it has already traveled along, reactivating—multiple times—points of the Birth chart that may be sensitive (this is even more true for superior planets).
This is synonymous to introspection, correction, and memories of past “situations” : something that at first was looked at too superficially and that is not complete must be reconsidered, reanalyzed, and better assimilated to facilitate complete understanding, and it may even be accomplished in a concrete way in the end.

The first passage generally leads to interrogation and reflection, the following passages are vehicles of crisis and re-assessment, and the last passage represents complete understanding, integration, decision, and implementation of the solution (which may be planned or impulsive to varying degrees depending on how the person experiences the loop).
The study of retrograde loops allows for very precise dating (with an orb of a few days).

Retrograde motion is also connected to the deep, personal unconscious and a mostly subjective perception, not without psychological tension. Transits take the shape of personal and social constraints that call into question the fundamental psychological aspects of a Birth chart.
The activity of a house with a retrograde planet is “developed” and accentuated by the retrograde motion. In the form of an obstacle that needs to be overcome or an experience that can be learned from, an opportunity is given to get things straight, or even to start something over, but in any case a retrogradation always occurs in the context of something preexisting, never as a new beginning ex nihilo (for that, one could study the corresponding preceding cycles or the corresponding Conjunction).

A retrograde planet in transit may enter into resonance with the same planet that would be retrograde in the Birth chart, giving rise to more extroversion, expressiveness, volubility, etc. This is because the person is in internal harmony with their Birth chart, and is in better contact with their deeper values, which are already in retrograde.
This phenomenon is more pronounced for the inferior planets of individuality, Mercury and Venus.

See retrograde motion in transits in the news.

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