
The Sesquisquare 135° : confrontation

The Astrological Sesquisquare, matches and interpreting :

An expression of these planets, signs, houses, implies that the chart is marked by the principles of Sesquisquare below.


The Sesquisquare : confrontation and freedom

The Sesquisquare is an Aspect considered minor and dissonant in traditional astrology, being the fruit of the combination of a Square (90°) + a Semi-square (45°), it multiplies the tension in a way, it acts a little like an extension, a direct prolongation of the tension born from the Square.

  • Like the Semi-square, it embodies testing, taking risks and taking speed to get out of one’s condition.
  • Like the Square, it forces one to overcome inertia and provides structure.

The increasing separative Sesquisquare is an awareness directly following the increasing Trine, a step towards self-affirmation in the process of Individuation that can easily go towards confrontation to impose oneself, up to destruction itself.
Let us not forget that the Sesquisquare leads directly to Quincunx (150°) and Opposition (180°) with all that this implies of intense tension.

But with a Sesquisquare it is above all a question of freedom, individuality, autonomy, revolt, exteriorization, sensation of free will, extroversion… as a last stand of honor before the great “revolution” that constitutes the Opposition and its consciousness of duality halfway through the cycle.
The increasing separative Sesquisquare requires effort, patience, perseverance, a bit like the climber when at the bottom of the mountain…

The decreasing applying Sesquisquare, is to be directly compared to the increasing Semi-square (if one situates the Sesquisquare in relation to the Opposition), it symbolizes a phase of release intervening after perfect integration of tensions, a phase of struggle to find the “letting go” necessary to the completion of the cycle.
In relation to what the Conjunction represents, the environment, the “others” and creation are assimilated, the forces at work are integrated, the “others”, the collective and their implications are taken into account, at least this is the state to be reached by approaching the zone of the decreasing Trine, just before the concretisation of the decreasing Square that will follow.

Advice for living the Sesquisquare :

Keep your Feet to the ground, it is a phase of preparation, as well as a phase of affirmation and sometimes of struggle. It is essential to rely on Organization and Courage.

In transits and actualizations, this aspect especially forms relays in quadrature (with the 2 planets at the same time), sesquisquare / square phases, there is little escape for its intrinsic tensions in the life of this aspect… We must try to make the most of the unilateral harmonic aspects (involving only one of the 2 planets) and which can allow a certain work of “unblocking” on at least part of the planetary energies…

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