passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-2-The Receptive Earth, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 2: The Receptive Earth, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: Success will come if you know how to receive, welcome, and show yourself to be receptive, open, accessible, and sensitive.
This more represents the forces of the Anima (so you may also find these forces present in Projections onto female figures around you, especially if you are a man); it’s not about actively undertaking something and directing it, but more about following movement and understanding the virtues of passiveness, inaction, letting go, your inner world, and feelings.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Of course, all of the different Water values may carry more weight with this hexagram, especially the forces of the Moon, which represents first and foremost our access to our emotional, safety-oriented, and instinctive side.
Therefore, it is particularly important to monitor the aspects that this planet forms, as well as what is happening in the 4th house, which is analogous to it and in a way represents our emotional and psychological foundations.
By extension, the planet Neptune may also represent the upper octave of these forces, as it takes effect in a more absolute and metaphysical way here, on our transcendent side; this is the planet that may bring forth aspirations and intuition, which are important to learn to understand and listen to.

Remarks: This hexagram is a grand opening which enables receptiveness: just like water, it molds to whatever shape it is given, and there are no restrictive structures that prevent it from adapting.

I-Ching Category

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