passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-20-Contemplation, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 20: Contemplation, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: This is not an active phase, in the sense of initiating action, and it is instead more about taking in what may have been initiated in the past—by you yourself or by someone else—and accepting it, appreciating it, and even being able to savor it, all while being somewhat silent and contemplative.
Emotions join forces with observation here and lead us to be amazed, see the beauty and quality of the thing or situation that we observe, and give it respect, utility, and meaning.
Here, we recognize the value and superiority of the things that are beyond us, greater than us, and above us.

Astrological points to pay attention to: We of course feel Jupiter’s influences very directly here, and thus those of the Sagittarius archetype and of the 9th house, which make this process of stepping back and getting metaphysical perspective much easier, such that we always have a much more optimistic (always with the glass half full), open, and educational view of the situation in terms of what it may have to teach us and provide us with.
On an equally mystical level, we also find Neptune, which may in a way represent the upper octave of these Jovian energies here.

Remarks: This hexagram puts us directly face-to-face with the notion of “verticality.” It demands that we be able to truly recognize our place in the world, in the situation, in a relationship, in a hierarchical system, etc. and to be able to accept this and stay where we are.

I-Ching Category

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