passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-27-The Corners of the Mouth, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 27: The Corners of the Mouth, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: This draw reflects that which deeply motivates us, our “hunger” and “thirst,” and anything that may “nourish” a human being, not just physically with food, but also our fundamental goals and ideals, our mind, what motivates us, and whatever relates to our deepest, most intense, and most significant longings and desires.
By extension, it references the notion of “satiation,” when we have had enough, or where we can and should stop. As Gandhi said, “the world has enough for everyone’s needs, but not everyone’s greed!”
This may require that we bring out that which is truly “vital” and discard unnecessary things, so instead of believing that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, we should be content with what we have.
We may also have to “feed” something, that is, give it energy, whether it be real or symbolic, or some sort of focus.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The pairing of the Sun/Mars is especially accentuated by this hexagram, and thus so is all Fire. Solar energies represent our “drive,” while Martian forces are something of an armed wing in that they carry out the acts of will created by this Solar drive.
We tie Martian/Aries energies to “desire,” to the “thirst” that this desire may represent, which may be insatiable.
On some level, this may also be expressed “socially,” and we also encounter the planets Jupiter and Saturn, as well as Pluto at times, for matters involving ambitions and “power.”
There is an important need to find a balance, healthy boundaries, a framework, and structure, so as to give the best of these energies, and it is also important to monitor Earth energies for this reason.

Remarks: This hexagram lights a great flame within us, awakening forces of passion, so this may be a powerful driving force, but it may also cause us to consume ourselves.

I-Ching Category

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