passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-30-The Clinging Fire, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 30: The Clinging Fire, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: Power, radiance, heat, activeness, audacity, or optimism may be a sign of success for your plans or of a particularly dynamic phase.
The notion of action is important, so we need to begin things, be daring, and do things. This draw truly represents the Word, action, and the need to start things up, initiate things, and not be afraid of confrontation, fighting, or hardship; combativeness should be encouraged.
It may implicate passion and love, which burn strongly and in doing so create energies that represent a powerful driving force.
It’s like the fundamental incarnation of the sun, which radiates energy equally down upon all human beings without ever letting up. There is a need to learn how to keep up your strength and make it last.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The fundamental energy of Fire is therefore largely dominant, and unsurprisingly we encounter the energies of the Sun, Mars, and the 1st and 5th houses, which are directly connected to the principles of will and action, as well as to the initiation of any process.
Solar forces represent the root of action, and Martian energies are the spark of volition, which allows us to realize things. We may, for that matter, easily encounter impulsiveness, impetuousness, anger, individualism, authoritarianism, and megalomaniac tendencies as a result of these forces.
Earth forces may also come into play, as they symbolically represent “fuel,” that is, the combustible material that allows the fire to last, continue to be fed, persist, be maintained over time, and not just be a “flash in the pan.”
Any energies that are too “aquatic” and connected to emotional receptiveness, on the other hand, run the risk of not being very comfortable.

Remarks: This hexagram represents a powerful force that radiates and wants only to be used, channeled, and exploited; these are the main challenges.

I-Ching Category

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