passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-31-Influence, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 31: Influence, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: Magnetic forces may be very significant, either drawing favorable elements to us or drawing us towards paths that are important, helpful, and productive.
There may be a notion of union and cooperation here that should be used, as gathering together increases the efficiency and impact of these forces.
It is important to handle seduction well, including on an overall social and interpersonal level, and forces of persuasion, mediation, and conciliation may help loosen things up.
Patience is a useful thing to cultivate, because time will favor us and allow for long-awaited developments to occur.
Part of the situation may elude us, be beyond our understanding, or go against our rationality, and thus it may play out against our wishes and outside of our ability to take action or resist against it.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The energies of Venus are symbolically very present here, in terms of their rulership of both Taurus and Libra (2nd house / 7th house), all of the magnetic forces they may deploy, and also their more mysterious facets.
We may also encounter some of Pluto’s influences, especially when it comes to “hidden influences and actions” that are out of our control, are not our decision, and are potentially more powerful than we are (we are on the verge here of notions of compulsion, obsession, fixation, etc.).
It is important to nurture your intuition and receptiveness and be able to understand and listen to what they have to say to you. For that matter, Earth forces are also important in terms of making things durable and providing the patience that causes things to be realized in the end (Saturn).

Remarks: This hexagram very much implies that something is acting in a “hidden” way, doesn’t necessarily reveal itself to us directly, or simply doesn’t need to reveal itself at first.

I-Ching Category

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