passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-36-Darkening of the Light, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 36: Darkening of the Light, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: A cloud brings a shadow onto the scene, and we may find that we are confronted with adversity, a trial, or even simply a phase that may subjectively be more “pessimistic” and lead to withdrawal.
Our will may be thwarted, and the situation prevents certain things from being realized or requires that they be carried out in a convoluted, disorganized way.
This may also require that we be masked as we move forward, hide some of our intentions and talents, and make sure not to reveal everything too readily or lay all of our cards out on the table from the very beginning; we need to keep a few trump cards up our sleeve.
We may be faced with something that we judge to be harsh, unfair, or unrewarding and that we do not think we deserve, but which also has some things to teach us.

Astrological points to pay attention to: We very much see the duality between the Sun, our “will,” and Saturn, which may represent certain trials or a confrontation with reality, fatality, or austerity. In fact, symbolically, we have here two facets that each embody a part of our overall solar archetype, and these tensions linked to fulfillment arise precisely in order to “test” this archetype’s attributes, perseverance, reliability, and durability.
In some cases, energies such as Pluto, Mars, or the Black Moon may come into the picture and have an effect on the steps that need to be taken, like guardians of some threshold that needs to be confronted.
Various astrological aspects may also have a great “revelatory energy,” especially a Square or an Opposition.

Remarks: This hexagram requires that we hold onto our faith, even in the midst of a storm, and it asks us to keep on believing that the sun is still shining behind the clouds.

I-Ching Category

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