passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-37-The Family, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 37: The Family, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: The notion of securing our environment is an important basic element, and there is a need here to be reassured, to be in known, conquered territory or within a small, restricted group, and to have a protective circle and our own nest that allows for recovery and for us to better take flight later on.
There is a great need for proximity and familiarity, as well as a need to have a cozy, comforting home and to generally be in a place that we know and like.
The situation here may involve those who are close to us, the place we live in, or a need to reorganize our home or to help and mother others.
The notion of perpetuation may also come into play, with a need to better determine what should be passed down (not only materially but also in terms of values) and above all how best to pass it down.

Astrological points to pay attention to: We of course find energies of the Moon, Cancer, and the 4th house, which directly represent these notions of “basics,” protect us in an ancestral sense, and allow us to be shaped, to be brought up, and to then become independent.
By extension, we also encounter the forces of Taurus and the 2nd house, which are also under lunar rulership through an exaltation and which are more directly connected to “safety,” comfort, and the material aspect of things, as well as to “values.”
This may take us back to early childhood, aspects of the past, or things that are directly linked to the maternal archetype.
Energies of the Anima are what come out most with this reading, including when it comes to receptiveness or access to our emotional strength or feelings, which we need to be able to listen to and allow to be expressed (and we also need to recognize our weaknesses or passiveness).

Remarks: This hexagram is an indication of the strength of our connections in terms of their instinctive, archetypal nature, in that they trigger very primitive reflexes when it comes to emotional reactions.

I-Ching Category

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