passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-39-Obstruction, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 39: Obstruction, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: There is a notion of a trial here, a step that needs to be taken, a challenge that we need to rise up to, and this may imply many different things in terms of tension, nervousness, violence, and difficulties.
There is a need to display perseverance, patience, courage, and combativeness, as this is what will allow you to be successful.
Some plans may be momentarily slowed down or delayed so that there is enough time to find new solutions or various supports, advice, or friends who can help; it’s like “taking a step back so as to take a great leap forward,” in a way.
Thought and reflection is required, and this calls for strategic, intellectual energies so that we may fine-tune our understanding of the problem and find new resources to take advantage of.
This may take the form of a reality check or a test of our faith so that we may recognize the real supports and foundations that we can always count on; we have to sort the “wheat from the chaff.”

Astrological points to pay attention to: The symbolism of the astrological aspect of a Square is directly highlighted, as it in fact represents this “step that needs to be taken,” this need to pass over a threshold or step over the line in certain ways, and it also represents all of the violence and complexity that this may involve.
We also encounter the planetary energies of Mars and Saturn, the two “malefics” of traditional astrology, which often embody this restrictive, limiting, frustrating reality that we need face but which as a result is at the same time a driving force for significant evolution and change, allowing us to move on to a higher level.

Remarks: Most of all, this hexagram represents a challenge, even in a sports-related sense metaphorically, as well as a need to push your limits and go beyond your normal capabilities.

I-Ching Category

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