passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-41-Decrease, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 41: Decrease, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: This references the notions of mastery, control, and limitation, and it is a good idea to tame your instincts and get a hold of yourself.
Cerebral, thought-based forces are highlighted, as our mind helps to focus our emotions and allows us to avoid destructive tendencies.
A loss or relinquishment may come into play and/or be desirable to ensure that things have some continuity; there may be a great need to relieve yourself of some “burden.”
For that matter, it is also good to know when to “cut your losses,” as the stockbroker saying goes: “it is better to have to cut off your finger than your arm.” It is important to know when to withdraw, stop, finish things, and conclude, as well as to be able to do this upfront of your own accord, so as to not have to be subjected to fatality and do things out of necessity later on.
This may also require that we accept the idea of being weaker or being in a position of weakness for various reasons, whether this be temporary or not, and learn whatever lessons we need to from it, especially lessons in humility.
It is important to understand the notion of alternation; that which reached its peak one day must also decline, and this is part of the normal ebb and flow of the universe.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Saturn’s symbolism is very present when it comes to self-control and being in touch with austerity or limitations, as this is often directly how this planet leads us to experience wisdom.
We also encounter a mixture of Air forces (Mercury) and transpersonal energies (especially Neptune), which help us sublimate what we are experiencing and transcend it so as to move on to a superior phase of expression (transforming frustration into a way of promoting evolution).
We also feel the presence of certain “karmic thresholds,” which may be embodied by “fatality” and which point directly to the Black Moon or the forces of Pluto.

Remarks: This hexagram evokes consent for losing or renouncing something that we need to be able to let go of consciously.

I-Ching Category

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