passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-48-The Well, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 48: The Well, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: This symbolically reflects our deep or even unconscious foundations that make up our unchanging base, that which helps us survive and fills us up, and our deeper values.
By extension, this reflects the primitive structure of a “clan,” and first and foremost a “family,” which represents any basic structure of ancestral mutual aid, where we put the interests of the core of the group (blood relatives) before more personal or social values, though there is also a goal of perpetuation and transmission here.
It may be a good idea to pool your strengths, your gains, and also your losses; strength and success are born from joint work.
We need to be able to see beyond first impressions, as the true depth of the situation may be hidden from us, not fully appear, or appear in a distorted way.
Superficial aspects may be deceptive and be a mirage, an illusion, an obstacle, or a fear, and we need to perform an in-depth study, reflect, and sublimate things.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The symbolism of Water is very present here. We know that the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses each represent a different facet of the unconscious in their own way, and as a result these energies are often more difficult to consciously express or are even compulsive.
The Moon’s energies are also greatly accentuated, but the facet highlighted here may be quite dark and mysterious; this 48th hexagram, the Well, may require that we recenter ourselves around family and ancestral values, and it may require that we get back to our roots, our country, and most of all an environment that we find to be more reassuring and conducive to our development.
The “security” aspect of lunar energies is fairly central, as this is what may really be the fundamental driving force, so it is not impossible that the 2nd house / Taurus may be implicated, in addition to Cancer.
This may also be a time for determining what we will transmit to others in terms of heritage (or what we will receive) and how to best do this while ensuring that there is as much continuity as possible.

Remarks: This hexagram implies a notion of verticality, but, a bit like a mise en abyme, it tends to reflect whatever we throw at it, whether this be fears or ambitions.

I-Ching Category

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