passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-56-The Wanderer, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 56: The Wanderer, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: This is like a vagabond whose peregrinations lead to a new understanding of reality and of others, a different openness to the world, and perspective on things in relation to that which is greater to ourselves.
We may call reality into question in a very significant way, take a step back to get an overview, and develop wisdom, and all of this may allow for an evolution.
But this may also require that we be able to give up on certain things, take risks, and get out of our known comfort zone in order to attain new knowledge, new values, or a new balance.
In some cases, we will only free up certain “keys” by way of “others,” in terms of what they may teach us and what we will really want to retain. And this requires an “adaptable” mind, one that is optimistic, open, polite, and capable of focusing, in order to maximize learning.
It is good to ask yourself questions, as this is a powerful driving force for evolution and change.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The centaur archetype of Sagittarius / the 9th house is accentuated in particular here, as here we very much find its whole mentality: its famous, constant “search for meaning” that pushes us to always go further and harder, open up to the world, put things into perspective, philosophize, and develop our spirituality.
It may also be important to analyze what its ruler, Jupiter, is doing, just as much in Transits and Progressions as in your birth chart, as its influences may have a distinctive effect on this period of time.
Mutable energies are very much highlighted by this draw, and they inevitably require that we deal with our ability to adapt to change and hone our various strengths in the realm of learning; we should not be afraid of “becoming a beginner again,” furthering our knowledge, and changing our everyday life as a result.
In some cases, this may evoke a real journey, that is to say, movement, but in many cases the required journey is mainly symbolic: it describes the path that separates us from “others” and the effort that we need to make to understand them and in particular to connect with them, socialize, and accept them.

Remarks: This hexagram represents all of the “higher learning” that we can do in a lifetime, anything that may allow us to pull ourselves out of a human condition that is purely, contemptibly material and move towards higher metaphysical ideals.

I-Ching Category

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