passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-57-The Gentle Wind, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 57: The Gentle Wind, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: This is a form of praise for kindness, simplicity, and humility. That which is peaceful, quiet, tempered, and calm triumphs over that which is hard, tough, and violent, somewhat like water as it calmly digs out its bed, capable of passing through everywhere and seeping in without any aggression.
Just like with David and Goliath, intelligence, craftiness, perseverance, and faith will help with overcoming problems.
We need to have a reassuring base: a snug, comfortable place that we can retreat to, where we can be surrounded by people we like when we feel that it is necessary to withdraw.
Receptiveness is important, so it is important to stay open to things and welcome them without judgment, preconceptions, or impulsiveness; instead, we should integrate them into our hearts, minds, and emotions.
Be careful not to show false modesty or let others dominate you, as these are both harmful extremes.
Techniques like meditation, breathwork, or Yoga can help with channeling these tensions.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The Moon’s qualities are very much highlighted, and various forces connected to Water and the Anima may come out quite directly and should be encouraged, in terms of receptiveness and also access to imagination and transcendent forces.
For that matter, it is also important to avoid their excesses, especially being too passive or the development of fears or an overly intense flood of emotions that is likely to also activate psychological instability or certain forces of Depression, particularly if these energies “drift” too far off course.
Forces of security are important to cultivate, so it will be important to look at the 4th house / Cancer and the 2nd house / Taurus.
Earth energies may also be useful for allowing these forces to be put in place, structured, and maintained over time.

Remarks: This hexagram reflects a great need for stabilization, and in a way it evokes a “settling process” that should occur naturally and unhurriedly if we let the normal course of things take place.

I-Ching Category

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