Here are global energies of a moon in Aquarius or in 11th House which you must imperatively nuance according to your birth chart, see the article on the Moon in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Moon.
The moon is one of the Anima’s attributes in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one.
It thus often also informs about the mother, or the native’s wife, manifesting qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

Aquarius’ originality, creativity and hypersensitivity
This moon gives an optimism, a great liveliness of mind, a very deep visionary sense, a certain attention to detail with a real originality, an important creativity.
The natives are curious about human nature, fine psychologist and good communicator, their empathy and self-sacrifice are superior than normal. They have a spontaneous charm, kindness and generosity, a true tolerance as a life philosophy.
This moon in aquarius or 11th House contains a real paradox because on one hand it’s very social and open to others, but on the other hand it’s not afraid to pass for solitary, nor to assert its freedom, its independence, its autonomy : possessiveness and jealousy are not for this moon. The natives need a lot of space, that’s the price to keep them, not by trying to cage them.
The personality is thus caught between 2 imperatives, on one hand to be inserted in the collective and to learn from the multiple networks of life, but on the other hand to powerfully assert its individuality in what it can have of more unique and unusual. This is what can sometimes give them the feeling of not being really “adapted” to their environment, of feeling “out of step” all the time.
But this discrepancy often comes simply from the fact that they are ahead of others ! Basically, they need to feel this way, “special”, out of the ordinary, they really need to be “in revolt” against standards, tradition, their family, basically everything that society may try to impose.
In the everybody eyes, these natives may appear “strange”, cold, irrational, detached from the world, marginal, which can be difficult to live with, especially in their teenage years when it can be harder to assert one’s differences.
This Aquarius position gives a very innovative and progressive mentality to the natives, they are natural born reformers, they are full of multiple ideals that they defend within society, they are often considered utopians, always ready to defend equality and the rights of the weakest. They are in fact very attracted by the nobility and greatness of things, they are deeply repulsed by petty baseness and triviality, but they easily rise above them.
They are very attached to the “world universality” above all, to fraternity, friendship, they need a sense of participation in the collective which they find in all kinds of clubs, associations, sharing with the world, and other community activities, everything that can form for them a kind of “big family” which makes them feel a sense of belonging to humanity. They are, moreover, precious friends, very faithful and devoted, full of good advice, always ready to help.
They strive to apply all these values in their homes and with their loved ones, which can sometimes make them difficult to follow, but they invest a lot of ideals in their relationships.
These natives can be very stubborn, very willing and tenacious in the accomplishment of their “vision”, with impressive composure and real consistency over the long term. This vision can be latent or unconscious, until the day when something (a meeting, an event, symbolized in particular by the Transits) comes to stimulate it and then, when they feel at ease, the implementation is dazzling.
On the negative side, this position can lead to difficulties in expressing emotions, it creates a distance, a “coldness”. In fact, they are simply granting others the freedom they aspire to themselves, you just have to “break the ice”.
The native can be unpredictable, very volatile and fickle, moody, which can make them exasperating in the long run for certain other signs (especially those of earth), this unpredictability can also play many tricks on them, notably by isolating them from others and labelling them as unreliable.
They can be very proud, touchy, eccentric and wacky, restless, and even angry at times.
Their stubbornness often makes them inflexible in their minds, they can easily be susceptible.
They may tend to live too much in an idealization and fantasy of “what should be” instead of living reality for what it really is, thus running the risk of missing the present. They may also lack tolerance for people who are too simple, classic, and predictable in their eyes.
This Aquarius influence on the moon can also give a real general hypersensitivity which in the extreme can be paralyzing, increasing anxiety and questioning. The natives may tend to magnify their emotions for better or worse, and may be more sensitive to criticism than it appears at first glance.

Aquarius Moon in love : Are you compatible ?
These natives will need a lot of intellectual exchanges, communication, sharing ideals, to be mentally and spiritually seduced by the partner.
They will be able to appreciate enormously the “love / friend” relationships, which will allow them to preserve their forces of independence, freedom, autonomy, they may be really afraid of finding themselves in a relationship that is too imprisoning and restrictive, sclerosing.
For this moon, exchanges must be done in a very iconoclastic way, the best possible relationship remains to be perpetually reinvented, based on surprises, effervescence, friendship, connivance, sharing…
Their soulmate will have to get used to their instability, to their elusiveness, to the fact also that the natives with this moon may need phases of detachment and that they will never really be in a fully exclusive and fusional relationship, they will never belong to anyone and will not ask that we belongs to them.
If you want to seduce this moon, prove your versatility and independence, avoid being clingy, give some air, often recreate the world with these natives, talk to them about your ideal vision of society, your utopias.
Be as intuitive, creative, project the couple in relation to the group, the clan, the collective, the society, plan common, social, associative projects, this is what will be an excellent binding to the relationship…
Read also my article on the behavior of the Aquarius archetype in their household.
The signs with which this Moon can have the best compatibility : Gemini – Libra – Aries – Sagittarius
Aquarius Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Aquarius or 11th House can increase the parts of nervousness and instability, they can create an important marginality, an exacerbated hypersensitivity but likely to be reflected in self-destruction.
It can be important to control the different energies that can “pose” these emotional forces, like the Earth, to allow them to be realized, to become concrete, not just to remain in the conceptual and abstract parts, but to be translated into the concrete and the matter…
Celebrities with the Moon in Aquarius
Mohammed Ali, Orson Welles, Angela Merkel, Richard Nixon, Lady Diana, John Lennon, Jean Sebastien Bach, Richard Wagner, Voltaire, Lenine, Marilyn Monroe, Pape François, Dane Rudhyar, Stephen Arroyo, Steve McQueen, George Lucas, Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Sarah Palin, Charles Manson…
Celebrities with the Moon in 11th House
Martin Luther King, Bruce Lee, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Charles Baudelaire, Franz Kafka, Winston Churchill, Anthony Hopkins, George Clooney, John Lennon, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Pamela Anderson, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Wilde…