Here are global energies of a moon in Leo or in 5th House which you must imperatively nuance according to your birth chart, see the article on the Moon in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Moon.
The moon is one of the Anima’s attributes in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one.
It thus often also informs about the mother, or the native’s wife, manifesting qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

A dominant and expansive moon in Leo…
The Moon is here in the Sun’s home, it’s a strong position, it symbolically represents the union of feminine and masculine principles, the woman joins the man.
The moon is here more expansive, more extroverted, more confident than its usual naturalness. The natives are loquacious, eloquent, charismatic, they attract attention easily, because of their social qualities, their sympathy, spontaneity, and they like to please. Other people’s look are very important to them, they need to feel respected, and even more admired, not only by their relatives and partners, but also by the “public” in general, in order to flatter their ego and build up their self-confidence.
This moon in Leo or 5th House is also potentially even more protective with family and friends; the natives are possessive and fiercely defend their territory. They need to shine in their family and home, they are often very dominant and authoritarian within the home, they need to control everything that is happening, to regiment, to command… they are not always aware of it, they do it out of love, they are just and fair, but they can be very “invasive”, they behave like an owner or a military chief who controls his troops. They can be very theatrical and grandiloquent in their social relationships, even pouting if their authority is questioned, even though their resentment is generally not very tenacious with the people they love.
However, their love capacities are exceptionally impressive, intense and deep. The alliance of the moon’s and sun’s energies add up to bring both intensity and absoluteness, a maternal/paternal sense, and a more universal and transcendent sense.
No wonder that with such intense feelings, the natives are obliged to externalize them, this is what explains all the manifestations mentioned above…
If they give a lot, they must also receive a lot, they also have an increased receptivity and need to be loved a lot in exchange, deep down they have an exacerbated sensitivity and will not tolerate contempt or disdain, even more so if the scene takes place in public where they will refuse to lose face.
This intensity also gives them an important creativity combining intuition, imagination and entrepreneurial will. Playing in all its forms, especially theatrical acting (in order to be able to take on several roles), can be of pre-eminent importance in the native’s mind; they like to have fun, to laugh and make others laugh; humor is a salient feature of their character (sometimes with a very biting and pronounced irony), as well as sometimes a certain taste for idleness.
This moon sometimes has a few “imbalances” and excesses, but it gives honor, dignity, integrity, honesty, deep noble values, bravery, and a sincere and absolute love… it makes up for it if you take the time to be interested about this native.

Leo Moon in love : Are you compatible ?
The natives with this moon fundamentally need to feel radiant and loved, they need to feel that they possess the other one, that this one is devoted to them, admires them, is proud of them and of the relationship.
The domination games will be important, with a certain theatricality and excessiveness sometimes, “I love you / I hate you”, they will need to feel an intensity, a passion, a warmth…
These natives can also be very protective towards their clan, their loved ones, their love, able to enforce security and attack preventively if necessary.
They can be very demonstrative and will not hesitate to enforce their territory, as much towards their partner as towards potential rivalries, appearances remain fundamentally important.
These lunar energies will greatly appreciate being “challenged”, they will be more easily attracted to people who are difficult to reach, who will give them a hard time and will not offer themselves too easily to them in the seduction games…
They will need at the same time to preserve a playful, mischievous aspect, but could also be easily demotivated if they do not find a challenger in front of them.
Their soulmate will have to be able to help them to cultivate their radiance, to be admired, recognized, to feel beautiful and attractive, including more broadly socially, and this one will have to show generosity, high spirits and dynamism.
For the rest, this moon is not very sharing and at the slightest infidelity, this could call into question their whole emotional system : moreover, clearly avoid disavowing or criticizing it publicly, taking sides against it, this is a crime of lèse-majesté…
Read also my article on the behavior of the Leo archetype in their household.
The signs with which this Moon can have the best compatibility : Sagittarius – Aries – Libra – Gemini
Leo Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Leo or 5th House may be reflected in terms of aggressiveness or authoritarianism, pride, arrogance, or excessive behavior of any kind.
This could motivate a strong impulsiveness, extravagance, impetuosity, which will be based a lot on notions of overcompensation linked to self-confidence.
Celebrities with the Moon in Leo
Mahatma Gandhi, Monica Bellucci, David Bowie, Winston Churchill, Tom Hanks, Louis XIV, Barbra Streisand, Oscar Wilde, Mao Tse-toun, Antonio Vivaldi, Leon Trotski…
Celebrities with the Moon in 5th House
Grace Kelly, Al Pacino, Freddie Mercury, Pablo Picasso, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Steven Spielberg, Bob Dylan, Stephen King, Elizabeth Hurley, Lady Gaga, Ernest Hemingway…