Passion Astro New Moon october 2 2024 in LIbra

New Moon of October 02, 2024 in Libra

This article has been published as a preview in Premium Subscription.

This lunation chart was drawn up at the exact moment of the Sun / Moon conjunction on October 02, 2024, it gives the “general” astral trends for the coming month mainly based on the Aspects and Signs of the zodiac.
This study must be nuanced by bringing it closer to your birth chart, and to your Transits and Progressions for Forecasts.
Think, to help you, to read my interpretation article of the New moon and Full moon in houses.

Main signs impacted during the lunation:

Cardinal 2nd and 3rd decans.

Autumnal slowdown

This is an important New Moon of the year, since it forms a clear solar eclipse, as can be seen on the astrological chart with its close conjunction to the South Node, which can make it particularly energetic, and with a greater karmic charge on the period too, all the more so with the close conjunction of the Black moon joining the party!

At the previous lunation, I spoke of a new encounter that could be made, of a relational and emotional link with a particular karmic load, and now we can still be in the process of developing this, either with the need to get closer to it, or to make this link evolve differently, to make a decision about it.

There may even be a test of action around this, a step to climb, as we can see here with the transit of Mars falling in Cancer (not an obvious position for his natural Fire), which tends to be in square to the new Moon, but also in apex of the lunar nodes, a position which moreover brings him a certain passivity, or softness, which doesn’t help him make “firm” decisions.

The solar will must somehow redouble its energy to face up to doubts, hesitations and forces which, on the contrary, invite you to maintain the old status quo, and this can be particularly noticeable at the beginning of the lunation.

Either if you already have rather “passive” energies in your birth chart, this is even more likely to inhibit you; or if you have rather “active” energies, this is more likely to irritate, annoy and impatient you…

For example, part of the personality wants to follow its emotions, its affects, its aspirations, its idealizations, but this also means taking risks, leaving its comfort zone, and it seems clear that both, the personality and the situation, are not yet fully ready for this…

Whatever we may feel, or say to ourselves or others, there’s a chasm to be bridged before we can really reassure ourselves and find the dynamic energy needed to overcome it (accept it, sublimate it), and there’s this hesitation that’s likely to mark this lunation a lot, but also several months to come!

The sensitive point is that, as the lunation progresses, Mars’ transit gradually reaches its stationary phase as it enters its retrograde loop (retrograde at the beginning of December). I’ll have a chance to talk more about this, but it’s fair to say that the Martian forces are starting to stall quite a bit (already), and therefore lack the strength and dynamism to make decisions and take action, on the contrary, it’s more a phase of reflection, analysis and introversion that opens up..

All the more so as Jupiter also passes retrograde for several months, so still representing social forces that need a certain pause and integration in relation to all that will have been played out over the spring and summer (where I clearly advise you to maximize the forces of action).

Really try to initiate everything that requires the most dynamic action before this October if you can, because with a few rare exceptions depending on everyone’s birth chart, this opens up much more of a passive/receptive phase of the year (even defensive, wary, cautious).

It’s not a bad thing in itself! It’s as if the Sky is inviting us, for a time, to look back on what we’ve been through recently, to better understand it, accompany it, make it more conscious.

So there’s no point in going against the tide and trying to force decisions at all costs, although this does seem to be the direction of certain configurations in this first half of the lunation. I think that some people are going to push a little against the wind, trying to force things, to rush them, as if pressing the gas pedal and the brake at the same time, and with the success we can imagine (quite a few quadratures point in this direction).

In any case, keep a close eye on what’s going on with the transit of Mars, because it’s Mars that’s going to set the pace for the period and the areas of your life that will be most affected (love, work, family, etc.), since this really depends on each person’s chart.

Like the full moon on September 18, the full moon on October 17, 2024 will be a Super Moon, meaning it will be as close to the earth as possible, and may therefore be felt more strongly by sensitive people, who have their emotions more on edge (especially women and people with a very aquatic birth chart).

We can see that it’s in conjunction with Chiron, so it’s possible that this will shed more light on certain questions of injury or health problems, to bring awareness to them, or a form of revelation, and which will also contribute to reflection and decision-making at the time.

The 3rd decade of October is an important period to watch, as the points raised here could have an important role to play in the retrograde motion of Mars and return to the forefront in January 2025…

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