New Moon of September 17, 2020 in Virgo
This second half of September seems to be muddled and complicated, the Mars retrogade into 3rd decan Aries dominates a lot and complicates things…
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This second half of September seems to be muddled and complicated, the Mars retrogade into 3rd decan Aries dominates a lot and complicates things…
The Martian energies become more directly aggressive over the period and become more important, but print a latency with the retrogradation…
This lunation leads to a rather violent and excessive return to everything that may have been played out the previous February and March, an important turning point in 2020…
Emotions are quite strong during this period, but are also very likely to paralyze one’s inner world, each one being on its own world…
The energies are clearly socially complicated over the period, felt to float, confrontation between the mental and emotional parts
This lunation can materialize important social changes, it has an important reform force but also relies on risk-taking, prepares Venus retrograde motion…
To know the technique for expressing new moon wishes and to make the best use of the influences of each lunation in full personal evolutionary potential
New Moon wishes : prepare your intentions and vows ! Read More »
The period represents a very important turning point in the first quarter of 2020, Mars may come to operate as a major detonator of Capricorn stellium.
The Moon gives us a special rhythm in our daily lives : why is the new moon important ? How can we understand the lunation ?
Living with the Moon : The Importance of New Moons in Forecasting Read More »