
New Moon wishes : prepare your intentions and vows !

This would clearly not be the first time I talk about the importance of the luminaries, and the lunations, of the New Moon, it has a symbolic and energetic charge that is really very important, and you really have to consider all the weight it can carry, but also the many ways in which it can be used…

Astrologically, the Moon is the fastest heavenly body in the solar system, and as such it truly “weaves” our daily life, it “gives shape” to it, it really represents all the symbolism of gestation.

There is an ancestral practice which consists in directly addressing the Moon each month to ask this planet for help, to facilitate our achievements and accomplishments, the realization of our dreams !

This practice can be approached in two ways :

  • From an emotional receptive perspective, we can consider magic, sensitivity, a contact with the divine which allows a harmonization of oneself with all the universe
  • From a more mental, logical, practical, strategic angle, where we can use this lunar cycle to set the rhythm of our own time, relying on the pivotal hinge phase of the new moon to examine ourselves, our activities, assess our situation, introspect and consciously initiate new projects

In both cases, there is a lot to be gained by initiating this kind of procedure, you have nothing to lose, and on the contrary, the upsides can be extremely important and powerful !

There are many different techniques in order to express your wishes, vows or intentions, each astrologer can have his or her own during this little ritual (I would really love for you to share yours ? ), so what I’m going to detail is more representative of my own vision and my personal practice, which I have been able to fine-tune over the years, rather than a ready-made and universal recipe that works for everyone ! (it’s important to be aware of this and to really do things accordingly, making adjustments according to your own personal feelings).

Imperative rules for New Moon vows

This is the exception, though it may sound a little formal, these rules seem totally unavoidable to me !
Not that you risk triggering the apocalypse, but following them will maximize the power of your intentions and help you avoid setbacks and a waste of time

Rule No. 1 : Do not wish for evil

It seems pretty obvious, but we had better make it clear, the metaphysical forces involved are very powerful, and even if your neighbour is cranking up the music, barbecuing his sardines, amidst the coronavirus pandemic lockdown where you can barely step a foot out of your house : there’s no need to invoke lightning to punish him ! ?

Life itself is in charge of punishing whatever or whoever deserves to be punished, preserve your personal energies to improve yourself and make the world a better place, to build, not to destroy…

Destruction has its meaning, its purpose, its usefulness, it often occurs by itself, we can also accompany it, create it, but the Moon embodies the Universal Mother, her role is not to bring death but to give life, so do not get everything twisted and rather focus on the “positive” aspect of your wishes, in order to let them see the light of day.

Rule n°2 : Focus on yourself !

Yes, everyone wants to see his parent health get better, his daughter finally have a baby, his cousin obtain the high school diploma, the neighbour to stop smoking, the labrador to become flea-free… ?

Altruism is a very praiseworthy virtue, nonetheless, this lunar period and these wishes and vows are about you, about your own change that is taking place and it’s the only one you have any real control over !

So as we would say, “to every jack his own trade and the streets will always be clean”, the goal here is to find your own personal axes of evolution, and it’s up to each one of us to act in this regard, you cannot be the motor of change for someone else, and even more so if that person does not want to change themselves ! (this is a very important point to remember)

So set your intentions for yourself, and based only on yourself, a little bit of selfishness would’nt do much harm, and give yourself this personal value to allow you to change your own life, and if only everyone else could do the same, the world would definitely run on some differently…

Beware, the goal is not to remain jammed in “I want to win the lottery” mode every lunation !
The skies have no interest in making us win the lottery ! but rather help us with our realization
This is not about writing your letter to Santa Claus, but more importantly, it’s about fulfilling yourself in your daily life !

So really, be realistic and intelligent : winning the lottery will never be an end in itself, money in itself always remains a means not an end too, so pay special attention to the deep significance you can give to this purpose each month, rather than aiming at inaccessible and pointless fantasies, think about the next evolutionary step that is important for you

The rest will definitely unfold, the heavens will provide the things necessary for the rightful realizations in their rightful time, your job in this light, is to pave the way for this, to work on these cycles in order to as much as possible, give them a conscious externalization.

Making your New Moon wishes

As their name suggests, they are realized at the time of the new moon, until about 3 days later, and therefore can benefit from the entire lunation to develop, with already a culmination at the full moon and a diffusion on the second half of the cycle, before reintegration at the next new moon (I recommend the very good book “The Cycle of Lunation” by Dane Rudhyar, for those who want to look deeper into these elements).

Of course, it will be more than advisable to rely on the totality of your current cycles, in Progressions as well as in Transits, in order to fully understand what is at stake over longer periods of time…

The new moon implantation in your personal birth chart, even if it symbolically sets the rhythm for the month, must also be subject to much longer cycles (over the year and beyond).

  • Take time to settle down, to reflect, to meditate, on those things that you expect most for your realization.
  • You have to feel these things internally, you really have to activate your receptivity and your powers of visualization to the maximum, like the boxer before the fight or like the runner before kick off, visualize the path, the positioning, sense your reactions and those of the universe.
  • Once you have identified what you really want deep down inside, write it down, formulate it in writing in a very explicit way and with the path of realization that you hope for, the goal here doesn’t aim to be hyper-exhaustive and precise, but at the same time to make a commitment to oneself, and to elaborate the necessary implementations

At this stage, it’s important not to be “rigid” (frozen) about what we expect, but to let the heavens work according to their own ways, like with the famous “Amen, so be it” that we find in many different religions, it’s the fact of relying on what is greater than oneself, and therefore trusting the divine intelligence to take the best possible paths, and to allow us the best possible achievements, as long as we are willing to welcome things as they come…

It’s pretty obvious that you’d be much more likely to be grateful to the heavens if you win the lottery this month, but then again the interest lies elsewhere ! ?

By proceeding in this manner with each lunation, it’s very interesting because you move closer to the cycles of the universe, you no longer find yourself swimming “against the current”, you get to perceive the deeper meaning of things and save yourself a lot of time, incomprehension, futility, sterility…

The final goal is not to reach full realization or nirvana in a single lunation of course, but every great journey is always achieved by a step by step progression, and the important thing with this overall exercise is to maximize your energy so that each step can bear the maximum results of its potentialities in the present !

If you understand things this way, the wishes or intentions of the new moon really constitute a formidable and fearsome evolutionary tool that really opens the doors to Individuation, to fulfillment, to our best blossoming…

If you have your own rituals for the new moon wishes, please do well to share them with us in the comment section ! ?

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