passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-19-Approach, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 19: Approach, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: The emphasis here is put on initiating action, the start, the very beginning, the outset, and also the coming together of different factors.
Therefore, this requires an active, initiatory, audacious state of being, and “taking the first step” will pay off and lead to success.
Furthermore, this does not rule out getting help from others within this framework, as coming together may create synergy, fusion, and a community and also make peace, negotiations, and mediation easier.
It is important to pay much attention to “the first impression” that we may give off and hold back from being hypocritical, manipulative, or too crafty, or else we may get caught in our own trap.

Astrological points to pay attention to: There are several astrological energies that may correspond to this hexagram. We may encounter a clever mix between Mars (because of its eagerness) and Venus (because of its receptive, accommodating, and seductive nature), and an alliance between these two planets can always open the door to many opportunities.
The aspect of the Semisquare may also correspond to this phase of breaking with the cycle’s inertia, just like certain “minor” aspects, such as the Quincunx and Sesquisquare, which constitute transitional phases and thus may require that different approaches be used, as they represent turning points in cycles.

Remarks: This hexagram indicates a sort of openness, receptiveness, and trust, which should be cultivated and used wisely!

I-Ching Category

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