passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-21-Biting Through, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 21: Biting Through, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: There is a need to go beyond and pierce through things, and the situation here may have a sharp side, some connection to fatality, a notion of poetic justice, and a link to intrinsic karma (the same causes always lead to the same results).
This is a very divisive energy that may lead to a clear “before/after,” a watershed, and it may also lead to a break with the status quo if certain things are no longer suitable, though this may cause a backlash.
There may be a notion of hostility and immediacy where we do not pay too much attention to conventions and protocols, so impulsiveness dominates.
To some degree, this may also call upon us to ignore part of the situation, our emotions, or whatever is bothering us, forget about these things so as to concentrate on concrete, pragmatic aspects, and get straight to the crux of the matter, moving forward and separating the wheat from the chaff (logically, the more we simplify and equation, the easier it will be to find the answer).

Astrological points to pay attention to: This is a complex hexagram that tends to lead many rather violent, karmic energies to come into play. For example, we very often find the cutting side of the Black Moon or Pluto, and we also encounter Uranus’s rebellion, while at the same time anything can be fueled by Mars’s Fire, so these are energies that require action in one way or another! There is a need to move on to something else, to a new stage.
The Lunar nodes may also need to be monitored, as there may theoretically be a connection between them and this “karmic repolarization.”
The social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, may also come into play, balancing out the collective repercussions of these energies.

Remarks: This hexagram is very closed off and restrictive, and impulsive actions may actually come out as a result of this feeling of oppression, seeking out freedom. The instability that results is a vector for evolution.

I-Ching Category

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