passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-22-Grace, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 22: Grace, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: Charm, seduction, elegance, and delicacy are at play and directly allow for success, and it is necessary to set about doing something and surround yourself with beauty and good.
The circumstances here may be exceptional and allow for certain special favors and privileges; divine energy accompanies and blesses plans and projects, and there are favorable vibrations around.
You may be able to obtain forgiveness or a gift, clemency, remorse, acknowledgement, an acquittal, or approval. Punishment is eased and a sort of “release” is obtained, allowing you to move on to a higher stage of expression.
There is a danger of disconnecting from reality in favor of the superficial or imaginary sides of things, and there is a need to see beyond first impressions.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The influences of Neptune and Pisces are very pervasive here, and thus there is this kind of almost divine magnetism, this ease of contact with providence, and this may allow you to shine and overcome many obstacles.
There may also be a mixture of energies related to Venus, Libra, Jupiter, and Sagittarius; some of their traits that we encounter facilitate our connections with others, conquest, conviction, integration, and any mediation or conciliation.
These are very excessive, inflationary energies, which may of course take us far, but which also lack clear boundaries and are very likely to lead us to idealizations and illusions, and thus later on to the disillusionment that comes with this, once our little bubble has been burst.

Remarks: This hexagram brings out whatever harmonious aspects there are in a situation, and it allows us to diminish any problems and amplify whatever is easiest, so it may be a powerful driving force.

I-Ching Category

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