passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-24-Return, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 24: Return, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: A cycle finishes its loop and comes back to it starting position, so there is both a notion of assessing the phase that has gone by and a need to prepare the groundwork for the coming phase, in terms of what needs to be preserved or left behind.
The act of coming back in this way implies dual action, so we are faced with something that we have already seen but which we are bound to look at in a different way.
All parts of life have this cyclical aspect, with the world endlessly beginning again, and we can be more plainly aware of this here.
In some cases, this realization is pessimistic, where we consider that few advancements have been made, but in other cases we may gauge the importance of the entire path we have roamed during our travels, in our mind, and through our behavior since the first time we passed through.
Sometimes, there is a pressing need to get back into a particular situation so as to make the most of it, correct our mistakes, and broaden the horizons of our experiences.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Our awareness is pointed directly towards the cyclical nature of the universe! As the various symbolisms of astrological Aspects remind us, as one chapter comes to a close, another begins.
The “root-like aspect” here is of course the Conjunction, and the notion of a “return” brings us directly to an applying conjunction, when a faster planet begins to catch up with a slower planet.
There may be symbolism here that is highly connected to both Neptune, because of the dissolution of the past, and Pluto, in terms of its death/rebirth symbolism, like when the phoenix takes its existing material to make something new.
Saturn may also come into play, since this planet represents “time passing by,” and it is completely impossible for the notion of a cycle to exist without the notions of time, pace, frequency, etc. And Saturnian forces give us the maturity that helps us carry out good, accurate assessments, even though at the same time there are notions of fatality, disintegration, and the power to destroy time.

Remarks: This hexagram implies both the end of a process and the beginning of something new at the same time.

I-Ching Category

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