passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-29-The Abysmal Water, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 29: The Abysmal Water, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: This refers to notions of depth, a failure to understand, perplexity, complexity, and mystery. This situation may put us face to face with something that is totally unknown to us and that we have trouble understanding on our own, and this inevitably leads to much confusion, doubt, and antagonism.
This period of time requires the ability to put things into perspective, take a step back, and analyze things deeply, and thus it also requires that we develop strong organizational skills and structure in order to succeed.
We have to be able to let go and trust that which is greater than we are and that which will be most helpful when it comes to managing crises.
Asking for help is not necessarily a weakness, especially if we feel like we have reached our personal limit: we need “others” in order to move forward to a higher level of understanding.
Acting impulsively or in a quirky or unexpected way may bring good luck.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Transpersonal energies are especially accentuated by this draw. Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus may each represent different facets of how these energies are expressed.
We may reach a symbolic “threshold” here and be confronted with a karmic turning point (analyze the Black Moon and Lunar nodes as well).
Having strong Earth energies (especially in relation to Saturn) will be a real “plus” for helping to channel these forces and use them in an effective, productive manner.
Much will depend here on the most predominant forces: we know for sure that the final action that needs to be carried out will be different depending on whether we are talking about Plutonian, Neptunian, or Uranian forces, and depending on which planet is causing the most trouble.

Remarks: This hexagram is an indication of great verticality. It forces us to confront our fear of the “void” and our feeling that things are giving way under our feet, and as a result we need to find new ways of stabilizing, securing, and strengthening things.

I-Ching Category

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