passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-32-Duration, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 32: Duration, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: The element of time is dominant, vital, and essential here. We need patience and perseverance if we want to attain durability and permanence.
Speed and haste are useless right now; we need to take the time to build and structure things, and in doing so we have to make sure that there is a solid, sound, and reliable base.
There needs to be steadfastness and dependability in our efforts, as well as stubbornness in terms of what is established and the direction we are going in so that we do not let ourselves be distracted or weakened.
We have to focus on what is permanent and durable and not become attached to superficial things; wisdom tells us to avoid anything that is ephemeral. A delay may be simply a way of “preparing to move forward.”

Astrological points to pay attention to: Earth energies are of course highlighted in particular by this draw, especially Saturn’s various qualities (Capricorn, the 10th house), as this planet directly represents the notions of time, duration, durability, reliability, structure, and rigor.
It is thus particularly important to monitor Saturnian energies both in your birth chart and in Transits; this planet may highlight forces that are important during this period of time, and it may require that we anchor things in a much more long-term perspective. Thus, it is important to be able to continue fueling yourself to stay strong in the long term.
Elemental air and water forces run the risk of being mangled or more uneasy during this period of time.

Remarks: This hexagram gives off an image of sturdiness, and it asks us to take an interest in the “foundations” of what we want to build, as well as whether we want to “climb high.”

I-Ching Category

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