passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-38-Opposition, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 38: Opposition, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: There is an immediate notion of a confrontation, a need to do something when faced with something or someone, which in some cases means refusing, defending yourself, rebelling, and not getting discouraged.
This may also evoke being torn apart in some way, or divergent interests that point in opposite directions and thus imply some sort of “rupture.”
In any case, this situation reveals that we must “manage a crisis” in some way, so as to sort out any tensions; it is important for us to already have an understanding of our assets and our arguments, as well as those of the opposing party.
In some cases, this may be an indication of a useless struggle, in that it is not necessarily imperative or that it is pointless or avoidable, or some decision may be too hasty, instinctive, or impulsive and thus may lack thought and reflection.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Of course, the astrological aspect of an Opposition is directly highlighted by this draw, and here we encounter all of its symbolism that points to confrontation, illumination, revelation and that represents a turning point in a cycle and the need to break with routine, even if this leads to tension. We reach a sort of apogee, a limit, and our energies need to configure themselves differently from now on.
Certain planetary energies may also insert themselves here, so we may find symbolism related to Mars, Uranus, or Saturn, especially if this is all happening in the context of fighting, challenges, trials, or some degree of violence.

Remarks: Most of all, this hexagram reflects inner tension, that is, the conflict that we may have within our consciousness, and it tells us that we need to find a new balance.

I-Ching Category

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