Interpretation: Madness, audacity, and even some degree of naivety may lead to success, and “beginner’s luck,” as they say, may also play a role. It is important to develop the parts of yourself that are linked to effervescence, curiosity, and versatility and to not be afraid of being iconoclastic or quirky or even of becoming eccentric and marginalized; this is the price you pay for your visionary side being realized, and you have to know how to listen to this as is and successfully externalize it in order to achieve your ideals and that which inspires you.
Astrological points to pay attention to: There is a highly air-like influence here, and we find many characteristics linked to Mercury and Uranus’s influences of course, which represent our social, cerebral side, our connection to the collective, and the highly “electric” side of us that may also easily cause things to be scattered!
This is very much the risk with these energies: they like to affect everything, and they are a very good driving force for getting things started, but afterwards they also need earth forces to create structure and make things durable.
So while you’re at it, analyze your 3rd and 11th houses, and if they are activated, these forces will bear a particularly large amount of weight.
This may also correspond to the energy of a Trine that is being formed in the heavens, a harmonious aspect that will very much facilitate the circulation of energies between two sectors of your birth chart.
The cycle of Mercury should also be analyzed with much precision, as this may for example correspond to a phase of going back into direct motion after being retrograde, or it may correspond to a particularly distinctive aspect that this planet forms, and thus an aspect that is very sensitive for you during this period of time.
Remarks: This hexagram is elusive, and it is often found in places we wouldn’t expect, activating surprises and unexpected things, as well as instability and uncertainty, which may be much more difficult for you to manage if you are highly marked by fixed influences.