passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-40-Deliverance, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 40: Deliverance, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: There is a notion of liberation here, of something that weighs us down and is removed, and of something that allows us to emancipate ourselves, free ourselves from a burden, a debt, or a duty, and rediscover freedom, as much for others as for ourselves (we may provide these things for others).
A solution is found which may be either a real or symbolic path or the forces of forgiveness, which allow us to move forward differently, go on to a higher level of expression, and free ourselves of bitterness.
This relief is favorable, and a lighter, more effervescent aspect may emerge and make the constraints surrounding us seem quite flimsy.
Obtaining outside help is possible: “others” may help us on our path towards emancipation and help us to foster independence and autonomy.
We may reach a sort of culmination, a goal, or an accomplishment which represents a sort of symbolic alleviation and which may then allow for rest and relief following tension.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Values that are directly related to Uranus and Aquarius come out of these forces, as freedom is the main fuel for Uranus!
Altruism and selflessness come up here, and there is a very Promethean aspect to the forces at play, since emancipation may be given to others just as it is achieved for ourselves.
When it comes to forgiveness and renunciation, we encounter the transpersonal forces of Neptune, which help with sublimating things “from on high,” with a vision of things that is more directly absolute.
The planet Jupiter and Sagittarius may also come into play socially when it comes to connecting with others in the context of religious, mystical aspirations.
We also encounter symbolism related to an Opposition, in terms of it being the apogee of a cycle before coming back to the starting point; this aspect carries much weight when it comes to liberation.

Remarks: This hexagram represents a break from what may have been holding us back, as well as a need to open up, escape, and expand our space.

I-Ching Category

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