passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-42-Increase, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 42: Increase, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: It may be helpful to exceed some rule or limit, while it is not good to find yourself “shut away” or trapped. Anything too restrictive and paralyzing is likely to be left in tatters (whether it be a situation or a relationship).
The need to improve may be more present, as well as the need to correct your mistakes and gain enrichment from this process, but holding a more dominant position may also allow for greater awareness.
We may have a need to be noticed, admired, and loved, and thus to convince, seduce, and carry out greater things. We won’t put up with meanness or pettiness.
The notion of a “vocation” may also be present: we may feel a powerful calling, an intuition in our mind, passion, and inspiration in our heart that lead us to aspire to achieve things, which is a mixture that favors action.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The mixture that occurs with this draw is particularly powerful. We encounter many of the Sun’s forces (the 5th house / Leo), which ask only to be able to radiate strongly in the background, and which are probably directly galvanized here by the forces of Uranus, Jupiter, or even Neptune.
Thus, this inevitably creates something that is somewhat “unstable” but which also awaken ideals that are powerful driving forces for bringing things to fruition; the fundamental motivation for action here is the act of moving on to a higher level of consciousness and growth.

Remarks: This hexagram represents a chrysalis in a way, or more precisely the moment when this chrysalis opens up to allow a new model for life to come forth, the last stage of its evolution.

I-Ching Category

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