passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-43-Breakthrough, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 43: Breakthrough, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: A “quantum jump” is required to change the situation, and there is a need for a clear, clean break with traditions, conventions, and standards to create progress.
There is a need for action, extroversion, breaking with patterns, daring, audacity, and confidence, but also steadfastness and perseverance.
We should not be afraid of unusual or quirky aspects of things; on the contrary, they may allow us to gain an advantage, though we cannot forgo very specific, strategic skills if we want to be able to transform things concretely in reality and not become too scattered.
A new phase may begin, and there may be an opening, but this may also weaken our usual defenses and force us to take some risks and get out of our comfort zone, and as a result some things may need reinforcing.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Uranus’s energies are very present here, as we very much encounter these unstable forces of severance, which drive us to switch into a higher gear, break with well-known modes of operation, and take risks, so that we are able to be what we truly are or have what we are really motivated to have deep within ourselves.
We may also find the energies of Mars and Mercury, which represent movement, audacity, initiative, and exchange, and which are essential to have in the background to support things in one way or another.
Likewise, it is also clear that we should keep an eye on Earth energies (especially Saturn), since they help with structuring any changes that are initiated and making them durable; they are indispensable for fortifying defenses and progress.

Remarks: This hexagram represents a surprise attack from an unexpected angle, or an opening that makes it possible to dive into and weaken an entire system.

I-Ching Category

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