passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-45-Gathering Together, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 45: Gathering Together, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: Harmony, arbitration, and mediation should be promoted. We have to act diplomatically and with empathy, respect, and perspicacity so that we gain as much approval as possible, and we need to understand the use of gathering together, like a bunch of grapes, where each seed represents a separate individuality but together they also form an organized unit.
This is a time for making propositions and finding solutions, allies, and assets, and all means of approaching dialogue should be used; openness and trust in others should be considered.
It is a good idea to smooth over differences and focus more on what brings people together and unites them, that is, shared traits and goals.
Being honest is a vital prerequisite, but it is also important to be conscious of the fact that a group, a community of people, or a couple cannot be dealt with in the same way that we deal with ourselves when we are isolated and alone, and this inevitably calls for some conciliation.
Pooling strengths and means is helpful prior to initiating action, making a decision, or effecting change.
Avoid being too individualistic and solitary in the choices you make.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Uranus’s energies come into play quite a lot in terms of mechanisms for “social harmony” or setting up a group or a community with the aim of working together, championing a cause, and creating a community of ideas.
We also find Venus to be very present, especially in terms of its rulership over Libra / the 7th house, which in turn represents the qualities of exchange, seduction, politeness, kindness, and empathy, and which we also find more on an affective level.
Air forces are greatly accentuated, which implicates anything that allows us to engage in sociability, exchange, communication, and transmission, so we also encounter Mercury’s energies, as well as some facets of Jupiter in terms of its likeable aspects and ability to socialize, and even some of its religious aspects.

Remarks: This hexagram represents the intermediaries that may sometimes exist in-between polar opposites, as well as the moment when we understand that different points do come together despite everything and create attraction and magnetism between them.

I-Ching Category

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