passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-47-Oppression, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 47: Oppression, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: There are several active risks and dangers… Depending on the situation, we may find ourselves in a state of being intensely overworked and exhausted (such that only rest will be effective, unplugging everything, breathing), and we may play for high stakes, have much to lose, be in the hot seat in a way (or feel that way at least), or be faced with a trial, an injustice, or simply our responsibilities.
It is also likely that what we say will not be believed, that we will not be able to express ourselves as we would like, and that we will be criticized or accused; we should measure our words and turn our tongue seven times in our mouths before speaking.
We may simply lack experience or perspective on something and feel “overwhelmed” by what is happening.
This period of time is not optimal for initiating something, and it is better to wait for a better, more structured time and postpone that which may come into being (the element of time is important, as is understanding the nature of cycles and alternating periods of prosperity and emptiness).
There may also be a great lack of objectivity here, and thus we will tend to make the situation seem much worse than it is.

Astrological points to pay attention to: Saturn’s energies may be linked to this sort of influence, especially if this planet has complicated Aspects at this time and especially if it is already a “worry” in your birth chart. In any case, we encounter a notion of a trial and time that needs to pass by here.
In the same vein, this may also cause a planet’s Retrograde motion to come into play, perhaps simply Mercury’s, but also potentially Venus’s and Mars’s (which are longer); much will depend on the nature of the question that the oracle was asked.
Earth, with its heaviness, may appear more directly, in the form of a burden: see in particular the 10th, 6th, and 2nd houses.
Karmically, we may also encounter the influences of Pluto, the Black Moon, and the Lunar nodes, which may bring a certain dose of fatality into the mix.

Remarks: This hexagram reflects the idea of something being locked, leads to constraints, and requires patience.

I-Ching Category

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