passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-51-The Arousing Thunder, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 51: The Arousing Thunder, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: The notions of surprise and instability prevail, and this may tend to activate various fears, such as fears of loss, absence, failure, rejection, etc.
There may be some notion of a necessary confrontation with fatality that forces us to abandon things or patterns that are no longer necessary.
There is a great crossroads of choices, but this may also serve as an electroshock to recenter us around what we want and what we really are, correct things that need to be set in motion, make things right, and begin making the necessary reforms.
This may mark the beginning of a period of time where we will have to work harder, persevere, and hold on firmly to the things that matter to us.
Or conversely, forces of renouncement, letting go, and detachment may be helpful for us to cultivate and may allow us to move on to a higher level.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The energies of Uranus and Pluto are directly activated, leading to a mixture that is both unexpected and violent but which also represents energies of awakening change, mutation, and emancipation.
The freedom/security duality may be directly activated and will be just that much harder to deal with if you have very solid attachment to the idea of safety (Earth forces, fixed energies), and this may require or force you to lose or become aware of certain things.
There are very significant revelatory energies here; Uranian energies may force things to be brought to light, while Plutonian energies may allow for things to be brought up from the depths.
Karmic factors like the Lunar nodes and the Black Moon can also come into play, leading certain things to become inevitable and forcing certain important changes or turning points to occur.

Remarks: This hexagram reflects a fragile balance, as the forces of chaos are symbolically ready to act and make trouble.

I-Ching Category

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