passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-61-Inner Truth, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 61: Inner Truth, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: We reach the heart of something unalterable, timeless, genuine, and deep, including its key, central aspects, and this requires that we demonstrate our faith.
We may be faced with something that is beyond us or that is greater than we are, faced with fatality or the will of external powers against which we can do nothing, and we must be able to accept this.
We must manage to go beyond first impressions because often various things obscure or conceal reality, and we need to gain awareness in various ways.
Prevention is often the best thing, as this is what allows us to perform the most valuable acts and achieve the ultimate reality, and therefore if we can prevent an illness from appearing or a crime from being committed, this will always be more transformative than the best doctor or conviction.
This requires that we prove our worth by having a pure heart and discourse.

Astrological points to pay attention to: This is a rather complex reading because it implicates a huge number of different energies, all of which are responsible for “aspiring to something higher.”
In the background, we may often encounter the Sun’s symbolism in terms of what it may represent about the eternal Self and the ultimate source of life and truth.
The planet Jupiter may also come into play in terms of how it aspires to spiritualize things. It activates a powerful quest for meaning that asks us to find the answers to deep metaphysical issues: a search for “truth” and authenticity that does not put up with “half-truths.”
By extension, the various transpersonal energies therefore take part, and we encounter each one in turn: the forces of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which may in a way bring us face to face with their own reality and metaphysical truth.
The “truth” inevitably requires that we achieve a level of “objectivity” that is as highly developed as possible, but this of course requires that we move from a purely “personal” vision to something that is more “collective,” which imperatively calls on us to get in touch with the process of Individuation.

Remarks: This hexagram invites us to refocus in an important, necessary way and relates to the need to focus on the essence of something, finding its roots, cultivating its full potential, and also removing all the unnecessary things.

I-Ching Category

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