passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-62-Preponderance of the Small, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 62: Preponderance of the Small, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: Praise is given to humility, simplicity, and modesty, and the more we manage to separate data from the basic equation, the quicker and easier it will be to find the solution to the problem.
Complexity may have established itself too quickly, so it is a good idea to take the time to analyze things and fall back on values linked to simplification: this is what will lead to improvement and purification.
Respect and courtesy should be prioritized and applied.
It may be necessary to save your strength, money, and energy for later, as this is not strictly speaking an active phase, but more directly a “preparatory,” careful phase.
If we are able to be filled with wonder at “the little things,” we gain simple, easily accessible, and repeatable joy, which is a great wealth, rather than seeking unattainable, megalomaniac pomp and dreams of grandeur.

Astrological points to pay attention to: The Virgo archetype and its various qualities are highlighted in particular by this reading, as this is the zodiac sign that best represents these capacities for analysis, sorting, and organization, as well as these humble values that we may use to serve others, and thus a sort of “personal threshold” before being introduced to the collective.
As it happens, Mercury’s Earth rulership actually makes this planet’s learning style very empirical, so it reinforces not only forces of introversion but also our capabilities in relation to management, calculations, and logistics, which makes it particularly impressive from this point of view!
On some level, this may also for example evoke Retrograde motion that may be occurring at this moment in time (especially Mercurian energies, but others as well: Venus and Mars may also be involved, for example, or certain Secondary progressions), which may be truly very advantageous when it comes to the perspective and analysis that it may allow for; far from simply being a waste of time, it is highly efficient in terms of preparation, and we should take full advantage of this.

Remarks: This hexagram is much more powerful than it seems, as it demonstrates that the greatest successes are prepared for in advance and that that which we consider to be sensational today may have extremely deep roots that date back to long ago.

Resolution of the hexagram: Beware of overloading your mind, though, as there may be a tendency to overanalyze and overinterpret signs, and this is exactly what this hexagram asks us to sort out: getting back to the basics, reality, the hard facts, simplicity, and spontaneity.
For example, a good rule might be: if you hesitate for too long between two options, this means that neither of the two is really likely to be better than the other, quite frankly! And they may both be bad paths, or they may not be optimal, so it is recommended that you continue searching for other solutions that you are able to decide on more quickly and clearly.

I-Ching Category

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