passion-astro-yi-ching-hexagram-63-After Completion, astrological interpretation

I Ching Hexagram 63: After Completion, astrological interpretation

I-Ching Category

Interpretation: This requires that we be able to see far, beyond the present and its obstacles, project ourselves into the future, plan, anticipate, get a head start, and not negatively assume things about problems that may present themselves at the beginning.
We must be able to stop if we are on the wrong path and be capable of changing along the way so as to not wear ourselves out for no reason.
This requires perseverance in the creation process if we want to be able to anchor things in a lasting way through time, and both impulsiveness and impatience provide poor council.
The notion of time is important; good things come to those who wait, and we cannot expect success before the predicted time.
Real trust only sets in once enough time has passed, and we cannot cut corners here.
Self-improvement and development require being able to accept the necessary changes without looking back, and we cannot reproach the heavens if we are not ready for this.

Astrological points to pay attention to: There are several things that are symbolically activated by this draw on an archetypal level.
On the one hand, we may see a confrontation here with Saturn, which represents the “guardian of the threshold” before we can access transpersonal forces; this planet indicates a confrontation with reality (in the present moment) but this also requires that we develop faith and a way of projecting ourselves onto the world so as to be able to leave the past behind us and move calmly forward towards the fundamental fulfillment that destiny has in store for us.
Who can really say, during a planetary Conjunction, what represents the initial germ of all cycles and what this may have in store over time? And each aspect has its function, a part to play in the overall production, without which the overall endeavor would not exist.
In a way, this also activates a “security/freedom” or “matter/mind” duality; forces of abstraction, imagination, and receptiveness give a glimpse into a reality that is potentially different and “better,” but this also requires that we be able to begin taking certain risks and confront certain fears so as to be able to fulfill ourselves, because we cannot hold on to qualities that are diametrically opposed, and this inevitably requires that we make a choice.

Remarks: This hexagram requires that we make an attempt at significant forward planning, so we have to reflect, plan, prepare, and sharpen our ability to anticipate (it may be important to carry out an overall study of the various techniques of astrological forecasting in order to understand the nature of the cycles that we are living through and attach dates to things).

I-Ching Category

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