Here are global energies of a moon in Libra or in 7th House which you must imperatively nuance according to your birth chart, see the article on the Moon in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Moon.
The moon is one of the Anima’s attributes in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one.
It thus often also informs about the mother, or the native’s wife, manifesting qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

The Libra’s social instinct…
This position tends to unite logic, rationality, with feelings and emotions. This moon of great sensitivity emphasizes the need for relationships with others in the natives personality. Which means they need presence, companionship, exchange and sharing in order to blossom.
Loneliness is not for them, their accomplishment will pass notably by the union with a partner (the duet), which will secure them psychologically. They feel an imperious need to find an “alter ego”, a “play partner”, a person who can reflect them and contribute to their evolution, to strengthen them, this can even go to the extreme of a fusional couple, a symbiotic couple.
The natives also need balance, harmony, and peace in their social relationships, they do everything they can to settle them, they have great talents of conciliation and diplomacy, their motto could be “a good compromise is better than a bad war”, they always prefer reconciliation over confrontation.
They have a sympathetic, social, friendly, gentle, charming, refined and eloquent nature, so they often manage to build up an important contacts network without difficulty. They enjoy intellectual exchanges and dialogue, they like the excitement that comes from it, and they are very tenacious in their argumentation (sometimes with a slight tendency to always want to be right about everything, as they are certain that their opinion is well structured).
They have a talent that is often very theatrical and versatile, a good sense of direction, a skill at taking things “offbeat”, and an ease with manipulation too…
To excess, the natives can become superficial, indulging in worldliness, in praise, and passivity.
Idealist, endowed with the sense of equality, justice, and objectivity, with a good psychological finesse and a lot of empathy, they often and easily put themselves “in the place of the others”, they manage to think like them, to analyze their thoughts and their emotions, sometimes even before they manifest them (they can often finish your sentences before you for example), that confers to this moon in libra or 7th House gifts of fine strategist.
On the negative side, this faculty of great receptivity can lead them to be very hesitant, not being able to make up their minds, and create an underlying anxiety that can lead to somatization.
With imagination and intuition, they are also very interested in everything related to beauty and aesthetics : the arts, fashion, style… They have a keen sense of “form”, curves, modeling, structure. They like to create, or find, harmony in the world, in their surroundings.
They immediately identify everything that is “inharmonious” in their life, in their environment, and this can quickly turn into obsession and extreme nervousness if they can’t “straighten out what is wrong”.
Their home is often a model of its kind in terms of decoration and harmony. More than anything else they need to find communion within their family, a sense of unity, fluidity, balance; this is a fundamental basis of their existence, their roots bring them balance.

Libra Moon in love : Are you compatible ?
These natives greatly emphasize the importance of the emotional bond and will obviously be able to appreciate directly to find a partner who loves these exchanges, these sharings, these discussions, they will fear more than all the loneliness or withdrawal, which will always remain for them more a transient states undergone, than really a way of blossoming.
They need to surround themselves with “beauty”, to feel a harmony, which will have direct repercussions in the couple, where they will need a lot to save these kinds of appearances there (that the others find their partner attractive, that they can say that they form a “nice couple”), even if behind the security that this brings can only be a simple social veneer.
These lunar energies can be at the same time very magnetic and very attracted by the mind of the others ones, as much by their social radiance, by their elegance, coquetry, as by their charisma and eloquence which can allow them to take the ascendancy socially.
Their soulmate must therefore show his/her love and attachment in a frank and ostentatious manner, with affection but also with a certain romanticism, by lending them considerations and respect.
There is the risk of an important “mirror effect”, where these lunar energies will absorb and reproduce the qualities and defects of the other one, and where this moon could lose its own individuality to the benefit of a “couple” entity…
To seduce them, reassure them on their capacity of attraction, give them gifts, sharpen their sensuality, and bring out your complementary parts in your daily life and on a lot of ideas, projects…
Read also my article on the behavior of the Libra archetype in their household.
The signs with which this Moon can have the best compatibility : Aquarius – Gemini – Leo – Sagittarius – Cancer – Taurus – Pisces
Libra Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Libra or 7th House will tend to have more direct repercussions on the level of its socialization and may create extremes such as deficiencies, fears, superficiality, passivity, increasing the forces of indecision or difficulties in understanding and being understood…
Celebrities with the Moon in Libra
Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, George W Bush father and son, Benoit XVI, Sylvester Stallone, Leonardo DiCaprio, Fidel Castro, Walt Disney, William Shakespeare, Swami Vivekananda, Agatha Christie…
Celebrities with the Moon in 7th House
Marilyn Monroe, Steve Jobs, Edith Piaf, Alain Delon, Stevie Wonder, Mao Tse-Toun, Oliver Stone, Benito Mussolini, Raspoutine…