Here are global energies of a moon in Sagittarius or in 9th House which you must imperatively nuance according to your birth chart, see the article on the Moon in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Moon.
The moon is one of the Anima’s attributes in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one.
It thus often also informs about the mother, or the native’s wife, manifesting qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

Sagittarius mysticism and affability…
This moon sign an optimism, enthusiasm and a deep desire for independence and freedom. The natives are adventurous, they love wide open spaces, contact with wild nature, travel, new discoveries, even wandering (the sense of nomadism). They have a dynamism, an ingrained sociability, a communicative spirit, a need to exteriorize their nature and to come into contact with others in order to evolve.
Spirituality, mysticism, philosophy, the metaphysical quest, justice, are of great importance to them. They try to put their ideals into practice on a daily basis, to continually “give meaning” to things.
Their intelligent mind can lead them to study and later teach many noble disciplines, especially those relating to “law” and “morals”.
These natives have a great capacity for learning, and they perceive their whole life as a gigantic “permanent lesson”, always ready to “study”. They have great flexibility, they can generally easily adapt to hazards and changes, they have a very wide capacity for understanding.
Under Jupiter’s control, the moon in Sagittarius or 9th House can also often be a vector of luck, expansion, prosperity, success, popularity, it values everything that relates to social integration and the sense of collective, it also brings a form of mind maturity and magnetism.
The main disadvantage of this moon is that by dint of being in the “high spheres”, of looking for things “far away”, the natives can fall into exaggeration and excessiveness, and completely lose the notion of daily practical realities (especially if the natives lack Earth and Air). This give them a behavior that may seem to some people as “off-beat”, because they have such a complex depth of analysis that sometimes takes them far from the “concrete” and the current.
In fact, a life that is too classical, too “down to earth”, may seem dull and boring to them if they do not include a transcendent perspective ! They need to constantly stir up their “faith”, to sharpen their destiny, to go “beyond” things.
If they don’t find this transcendence, their behavior can turn into any kind of different escape from reality (even more so if there is an additional direct influence of Neptune, Pisces or 12th House that increases fickleness), or any kind of materialistic quest for recognition and honors…
This moon can also give a real emotional instability, because of its versatility and thirst for emancipation, all of which is partly contrary to the fluid expression of feelings, it can even lead the natives in a constant flight forward.
But these natives generally have a sympathy and kindness, a real simplicity and familiarity, a humour, which makes them good and loyal friends. In the extreme they can also show surprisingly great conformism in social relationships.
Don’t try to cage them, friendly or even lovingly, they can’t stand to be locked up, maybe physically but even more mentally, they need autonomy, to feel the “field of possibilities” perpetually open, accessible to changes…
Their family, their home is for them a place of balance, generosity, caring, they like to be its center like a mini sun shining, bringing vitality, joy, enjoying life at every moment, they build it on deep philosophical and spiritual values.

Sagittarius Moon in love : Are you compatible ?
These lunar energies can be quite divided between a very passionate and even bestial part, then a more cerebral, intellectual, playful side, which will need the partner for learning and discovering new things, be seduced with words…
One side can be very perched in the high spheres, rather inaccessible, and the other will be much more frank, even very enterprising and easily seductive, not being afraid make the first step.
This moon will need a love that is often very absolute, full of spirituality and metaphysics (helping to rise in this sense), but these natives will also often be very excessive, they will need an intensity of feelings, generosity, warmth, sympathy, and will not tolerate lukewarmness, smallness, pettiness, hypocrisy.
They will enormously need that the partner respect their freedom, their need for independence, their way of gaining height and distance, their difficulties in focusing on the insignificant details of everyday life.
Their soulmate should not be too dull and pessimistic, too cold and serious, too down to earth, at the risk if not to make them run away or not to make them fully happy, not to understand them or even to be hurt by them.
Their deep sensibility may hide behind a light and superficial side at first glance, even a little boorish, but they will be capable of a very deep and powerful love, very radiant, and will need a partner especially one who does not overwhelm them.
Read also my article on the behavior of the Sagittarius archetype in their household.
The signs with which this Moon can have the best compatibility : Aries – Leo – Aquarius – Libra – Gemini – Pisces
Sagittarius Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Sagittarius or 9th House will tend to reinforce their excessive and marginal sides, they may be more insolent or proud and really lack tact, patience…
Their deep adventurous nature may be thwarted in different ways, perhaps by weighing on their lack of confidence, their difficulty to externalize their deep emotions.
Celebrities with the Moon in Sagittarius
Nietzsche, Al Pacino, Albert Einstein, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Mozart, Beethoven, Victor Hugo, Freddie Mercury, Picasso, Van Gogh, Stephen King, Liz Greene, Sri Aurobindo, Balzac, Charles Bronson, Thomas Edison, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Mike Tyson, Ted Bundy…
Celebrities with the Moon in 9th House
Joseph Staline, Edgar Cayce, Orson Welles, George Orwell, Angelina Jolie, Jodie Foster, Tim Burton, Clint Eastwood, Robert De Niro, Tom Cruise, Jean Michel Jarre, Whoopi Goldberg, Luciano Pavarotti, Margaret Thatcher, Mouammar Kadhafi…