Here are global energies of a moon in Scorpio or in 8th House which you must imperatively nuance according to your birth chart, see the article on the Moon in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Moon.
The moon is one of the Anima’s attributes in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one.
It thus often also informs about the mother, or the native’s wife, manifesting qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

Scorpio magnetism and increased receptivity…
This position gives an undeniable charisma and magnetism to the natives, a cold blood, a strength and a psychic power higher than normal which often allows them to impose themselves easily, they are very weakly impressed and influenced.
They have an increased receptivity to emotions and feelings, they seek intensity, depth, in all things. This is a “violent” Anima, passionate, excessive, jealous, possessive, mysterious, complex, very carnal … but with an advanced mastery and self-control.
In fact, this moon in scorpio or 8th House is not always easy to live in everyday life (here in fall, see Rulership), not supporting banality and half-measures, the natives tend to always ask for more, to want the exceptional. They create in their surroundings, without always being aware of it, a permanent state of power relations, for them social relations often come down to a question of dominant / dominated. The natives constantly need to test others with acid spikes, it’s also their way to reassure themselves and bring intensity, to feel alive.
They are in general continuously in an aspect of attraction / repulsion, their strong personality never leaves anyone indifferent, either one adores them or hates them.
They are very attached to emotional security, they need to feel a sense of mutual belonging with their loved ones, they may also tend to behave with them as jealous and possessive, very protective. And if you have the misfortune to betray them, their grudge is tenacious, they are unlikely to forgive you, this is the price to pay for their unfailing loyalty and strength of character…
These natives generally have a gift for perceiving situations and “feeling” others, they are perceptive, they know how to detect wonderfully what one is trying to hide from them, they have an intuitive and intelligent perception of the human soul’s functioning which is highly developed, and also all the distrust and mistrust that goes with it.
This can lead them very early on to take an interest in disciplines such as psychology, psychoanalysis, astrology or other even more esoteric subjects… They are interested in the processes of spiritual awakening in all its forms.
The natives with a moon in scorpio are “extremists”, they will not tolerate the banality of existence, they seek a life at 100 miles per hour, emotionally full and very intense.
Sometimes this quest can bring these natives far away, in very far away lands, or in the depths of human nature, but they need a certain suffering, a certain pain, to be reborn from their ashes.
On the positive side, they will derive an enormous abnegation and empathy, on the negative side, they will be able to enjoy this pain and not be able to get out of it, not be able to control it, and fall into a spiral of self-destruction and self-centeredness that will gradually phagocytize them.
All the difficulty for these natives is therefore to lead this process of “calcination” (an alchemist calcinatio) and to pull it upwards, towards a better knowledge of oneself, towards the emotional quintessence, the transformation and rebirth that they seek.
In all this process, the roots, the family, the home, can be at the same time the place of the greatest uneasiness and that of the most beautiful rebirth.

Scorpio Moon in love : Are you compatible ?
The natives with this moon conceal a passion, an intensity, a magnetism, which galvanizes their erotic and sensual qualities and needs, which they will need to find in their partner.
They can be very impulsive and have primitive and powerful sexual instincts, which they will need to translate into their sexuality with their partner, and they may have very important needs in these areas.
These natives may nevertheless have difficulty to externalize their emotions, their deep feelings, they will want to keep control of themselves and others, which can easily engage them in games of power and domination, both in love and sex.
They can easily be excessive and will not arouse half measure, they will sometimes love and hate at the same time, they will need this excessiveness, these passionate commitments, to arouse all this in the other one.
These lunar energies have an important need for communion and fusion, they have a vision of the union which can be very “tantric”, where the partner will really necessarily represent their complementary facet to realize their own personality.
This could also easily activate forces of possessiveness, jealousy, which this moon could just as easily initiate, even unconsciously, but also suffer from the other one, attracting that, at the same time a need for mutual belonging but a refusal to let itself be fully dominated.
Their soulmates will have to materialize a depth of feelings and to know how to prove their attachments, their value, the relationship being able to begin often on the basis of a powerful physical attraction, an instinctive understanding, or even on an emotional crisis, but it will have to find a more absolute base to last.
The worst can be the phases of infidelity, which can create an acidic and destructive climate, which can poison the relationship even in the long term, without closing it…
This moon can remain quite elusive emotionally, having important parts of secrecy and mystery, which is what will make all its charm, but can destabilize the partner, rush them, sometimes frighten them.
Read also my article on the behavior of the Scorpio archetype in their household.
The signs with which this Moon can have the best compatibility : Aries – Capricorn – Virgo
Scorpio Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Scorpio or 8th House can be quite violent in terms of aggressiveness, destruction and self-destruction, mistrust, coldness, difficulty in trusting the other one.
These elements may have an easier impact on the maternal archetype, as much towards one’s own mother as towards the mother that one can be or that one can find in one’s partner.
Aries Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Aries or 1st House will tend to be easily reflected in nervousness, confrontation, impatience, to fold it back on their own individualistic values and therefore on their lack of empathy, or authoritarianism…
Celebrities with the Moon in Scorpio
Nelson Mandela, Elizabeth Taylor, Elizabeth Hurley, Charlie Chaplin, Jules Verne, Gerard Depardieu, Bruce Lee, James Dean, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Bjork, Lady Gaga, Robbie Williams, Bob Marley, Mark Zuckerberg…
Celebrities with the Moon in 8th House
Vladimir Poutine, Sigmund Freud, Jim Carrey, Sean Connery, Louis Pasteur, Rachel McAdams, Claudia Schiffer, Padre Pio, Pape Jean Paul II, Ed Harris, Charlie Sheen, Paris Hilton, Eva Braun, Bill Clinton…