Here are global energies of a moon in Virgo or in 6th House which you must imperatively nuance according to your birth chart, see the article on the Moon in signs; see also the article on the general interpretation of the Moon.
The moon is one of the Anima’s attributes in the chart, as such it can indicate a Projection of this one.
It thus often also informs about the mother, or the native’s wife, manifesting qualities in the colors of the occupied sign.

The Virgo discretion and efficiency…
This moon is very analytical, perfectionist, hard-working, meticulous, it give excellent organizational skills and a practical and pragmatic sense.
The natives have a very good critical sense, curious and skeptical, an analysis often very accurate and fine, they are reliable. Their ability to question everything, flatly, often makes them a good investigator, researcher.
They like to feel their work and their opinion useful and necessary to society and their family, the notion of help and service is very much alive in their minds.
They are of a simple and humble nature, unpretentious, they appreciate discretion and modesty, and can settle for a basic life.
These natives are very good managers, they have a sense of economy (some might even say a little “stingy”), also a good administrative and logistical sense, and as much in business as in a home, they make it a point of honor to balance their accounts (and even to save if they can).
They have a marked tendency to introversion, pessimism, and lack of self-confidence (they are often unnoticed). They can devalue themselves as few Zodiac Signs know to do, by scrutinizing their actions for their every flaw, under a magnifying glass, and sparing no blame. They are also very sensitive to criticism from others.
Because of their restless mind, these natives often have a higher than normal anxiety, a great receptivity to stress. They fear changes in their environment, any lack of stability and security, especially material security, they are afraid of missing. For example, unemployment is surely the worst punishment to live for this position because it “doubles the punishment” : financial difficulties and social uselessness, panic assured.
Their lack of adaptability reinforces their tendency to quickly panic as soon as one deviates a little from the plan initially planned… improvisation is not really for them. They find it hard to take the necessary distance and see things “globally” and say to themselves “it doesn’t matter”, they don’t want to leave the slightest bit to chance, never lose control, never take anything lightly.
In this quest for permanent control, the natives seek to reassure themselves on a daily basis by an excessive attention to detail. They believe that anticipating, planning, controlling and re-controlling everything can bring them control and a form of security. In the extreme, all these little things can lead to mania and even to Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)…
They are often very concerned about health and cleanliness. They are real “cleaning professionals”, their interior is often like them, very structured, tidy, everything in its right spot.
They can have an “advanced ascetic” nature quite easily (anorexic mental tendencies), in the extreme we also frequently find hypochondriacs with the moon in virgo.
A moon in virgo or 6th House often makes one kind, shy and very independent at the emotional level, not very demonstrative, the natives do not condition their life according to emotions but more according to a practical rationality, they “intellectualize” love in a way. They need time to establish a trust bond which will be based on constancy.
However there is not only the “severe” side, it’s also necessary to talk about the “crazy virgo” side which can, once confidence is established, lead to much more unrestrained behaviors !
These natives should really consider 2 things :
- Practicing a sport, meditation or yoga (in fact any discipline that allows them to channel their extreme nervousness and increase their self-control and self-confidence)
- To have a daily job -or a hobby, a pastime- that allows them to express their nervous tension : work of precision, calculation, planning, organization, advice, involving attention to detail, deep determination, a sense of economy, and prudence…

Virgo Moon in love : Are you compatible ?
These natives may show more timid, reserved aspects, and will have difficulty to express themselves globally, to recognize their feelings and emotions. On the other hand, they will show their love affinity by helping, supporting and even caring for their partner, by giving them all their advice and attention, and even by helping them to fulfil themselves professionally…
It may be more difficult for them to take the first step, to recognize their need for a bond with the other one, they will appreciate to keep their independence, their own secret garden, where they will finally bring in few people, and only after a considerable time allowing them to have confidence, to get to know hand-picked people.
This moon can be in a certain way very “cerebral”, and may also translate anxiety in the affective and emotional domain, where the natives will find it difficult to have grip and self-confidence, and where they will tend to appreciate, especially in the other person, their qualities of seriousness, reliability, durability, rigor, stability, weighting, moderation.
Having said that, they can have an underlying passionate facet, which will come to fight against their modest and introverted aspects, and will require an expression of their impulsive and compulsive parts, they will be able to express themselves in a form of “emotional explosion”, according also to the solicitations that they will receive.
Their soulmate will have to show a lot of intelligence to be able to seduce them, to convince them, to be practical, pragmatic, valiant, hard-working, this moon will also appreciate the others ones through the valorization of their professional functions, needing material proofs of love.
For the rest, this virgo moon will be rather difficult to seduce on the only basis of “frivolities”, they will need more things, deeper, less ethereal, far from the great traditional love promises and serenades, more in the small simple proofs of everyday life…
Read also my article on the behavior of the Virgo archetype in their household.
The signs with which this Moon can have the best compatibility : Capricorn – Taurus – Scorpio
Virgo Moon in aspect
The squares or oppositions of a Moon in Virgo or 6th House may bring out more easily the nervous, anxious, manic parts, and contribute to increase the difficulties of traditional emotional exteriorizations.
This may ultimately result in passivity, introversion, greater self-effacement, emotional dryness, an over-investment in work and greater risk of overwork, burn-out, bore-out…
Celebrities with the Moon in Virgo
14th dalai lama, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Madonna, Jean-Claude Van Damme, J.K Rowling, Stephen Hawking, Lance Armstrong, David Lynch, Rudolf Steiner, Dustin Hoffman, Christophe Colomb, Léon Tolstoi…
Celebrities with the Moon in 6th House
Charles de Gaulle, Albert Einstein, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mohamed Ali, Vincent van Gogh, Brigitte Bardot, Jules Verne, Albert Camus, Tolkien, Pedro Almodóvar, Richard Nixon, JF Kennedy, Rocco Siffredi, Silvio Berlusconi, Saddam Hussein…

This text confirms a lot of things, lol.