Passion Astro New Moon february 28 2025 in Pisces

New Moon of February 28, 2025 in Pisces

This article has been published as a preview in Premium Subscription.

This lunation chart was drawn up at the exact moment of the Sun / Moon conjunction on February 28, 2025, it gives the “general” astral trends for the coming month mainly based on the Aspects and Signs of the zodiac.
This study must be nuanced by bringing it closer to your birth chart, and to your Transits and Progressions for Forecasts.
Think, to help you, to read my interpretation article of the New moon and Full moon in houses.

Main signs impacted during the lunation:

All Mutable signs and 1st decans of Cardinal signs.

Between Martian direct motion and Venusian retrograde

This new moon of February 2025 is very much in between:

+On the one hand, it benefits from Mars’ recent return to direct motion at the end of the last lunation, after its long retrograde loop in Cancer/Leo, which lasted several months.

+On the other hand, Venus quickly settles into its retrograde loop between Aries and Pisces at the beginning of the lunation, and this retrograde phase will last until April/May.

So on the one hand, we’re happy because we’ll be able to rediscover a better Fire dynamic, more conducive to personal affirmation, dynamism and the realization of our projects…

On the other hand, there’s a risk of quickly falling back into relational and emotional tensions, which are likely to lead to confrontations, confusion and crises of values, not to be overlooked (depending of course on where this Venusian retrograde motion takes hold for you).

That said, for either side, the lunation’s configuration remains particularly aquatic over the period, especially heavily colored by Neptunian forces!

There’s a great focus on this, inviting everyone to introspect according to their own personal way of understanding and expressing these forces…

Much depends on one’s birth chart and the “level of consciousness” at which one experiences it.

The more you live “in the material”, the more logically these Neptunian forces can also be translated materially, and this can range from your work, for example, to artistic creation, but also why not in water damage sometimes, or even downright in an increase in confusion and the illusions/disillusions that can go with it (or you can come across a troubled Neptunian person who creates just that in the daily life).

The more we live “in the spirit”, the easier it will be for this Neptunian function to become spiritualized, to make contact with the divine, with universal energy, with the perception of the Absolute, and this will maximize the chances of sublimating these forces, but also, unfortunately for the more “ loopy ” people, of losing contact with reality…

This period can help everyone work on their “matter/spirit” duality pattern, by asking themselves how best to balance things, depending on where they consciously place the cursor (more matter or more spirit).

The dynamics at play here on this New Moon at the end of February and on March remain very important, and are likely to mark even the first half of 2025!
Because they will allow you to blossom/externalize better, when Saturn and Neptune form their exact conjunction, in late spring and early Aries

At this time, therefore, either confusion will be maximized, or the materialization of emotional forces may culminate (but I’ll come back to this several times between now and then, in other lunation posts and in the post on the transit of Neptune into Aries in particular).

Don’t lose sight of the fact that in this lunation, the transiting North Node is still directly involved in conjunction with Neptune and Saturn, which may confirm that what’s happening with these factors may have a link with the fundamental fulfillment of your birth North Node (the transiting North Node helping to weave this into the present).

Of course, this too may be more marked in some people than others, depending on your birth energies, but all the same, there’s a parallel to be drawn, and it can also confirm that this is indeed “a challenge”, something that is not simple and spontaneous for us to achieve, for which we have to make an effort, accept to leave our comfort zone, take certain risks, dare to try to express our receptivity…

As Venus retrograde is involved, you may have to bring your affects and feelings to bear on the situation, which won’t necessarily go down well with reason, as the heart may take one side, while the brain may say something else.

And this is likely to be particularly active throughout the first half of the lunation, until at least the full moon on March 14, 2025, which will therefore be in axis with Virgo.

In the second half of the lunation, Mercury also goes retrograde, so we’re still not out of retrograde phases, which can slow down a lot of things (especially if you’re sensitive to them, of course).

The good thing is that the second half of the lunation has Fire dynamics that are much more active and marked, so it’s a good idea to break at least some of the status quo, even if we’ll have to wait a little longer before we can sort out our hearts and minds…

Note that at the very end of the lunation, the Black Moon transits into Scorpio, but I’ll come back to this in a dedicated article, as there are several important points to detail.

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