Passion Astro New Moon june 6 2024 in Gemini

New Moon of June 06, 2024 in Gemini

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This lunation chart was drawn up at the exact moment of the Sun / Moon conjunction on June 06, 2024, it gives the “general” astral trends for the coming month mainly based on the Aspects and Signs of the zodiac.
This study must be nuanced by bringing it closer to your birth chart, and to your Transits and Progressions for Forecasts.
Think, to help you, to read my interpretation article of the New moon and Full moon in houses.

Main signs impacted during the lunation:

All the Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, but also the entire Mutable cross, including Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

2 distinct tones for each half of the lunation

The astrological event of the moment is the recent transit of Jupiter through Gemini (1st decan), which I was able to cover in a dedicated article, and which is therefore particularly valued during this period!

This New Moon features a very energetic Gemini Stellium, with Venus and Mercury strong in domicile, the 2 auxiliaries of exteriorization, which promises interesting social and relational forces.

In any case, make sure you understand the mercurial function, which is particularly exacerbated during this period, and which may express itself differently depending on your age.

When you’re younger, these energies will be very conducive to learning, perhaps in conjunction with the important examination periods in general during this time, to which these energies are very favorable.

In later adulthood, the need to exchange and communicate, to not keep things to oneself, but to externalize, to project oneself onto one’s environment, will return.

In some cases, this may even motivate notions of teaching, sharing and transmitting to others, which is still a good reason to do an internship for example, take a course, etc.

Aerial energies are highly valued at the beginning of the lunation (around the first half), so try to make the most of them in terms of effervescence, intellect and conceptualization…

But beware of their various possible “faults” in terms of versatility and superficiality, especially if you’re very marked by the Earth. These are elements you can easily feel over the period and which can exasperate you a lot (in a lack of depth, concreteness, etc.).

All the more so as this New Moon is square to the planet Saturn in Pisces, which may confirm, for example, certain difficulties in being realistic over the period (there’s a great deal of intellectualization, which may lack practical, pragmatic aspects).

As Venus is caught very directly in this quadrature in conjunction this New Moon, the notion of a crisis of value can be very important in the symbolism of the moment, between what we can seek, as situations or even relationships, and the realism also necessary to obtain it, which must be developed in parallel throughout the lunation.

At the start of this lunation (June 09), Mars will be moving into Taurus and will therefore be able to energize this sign, bringing its own empiricism to the mercurial forces, which will be most welcome!

To put it plainly, the force of experience can help you to retain only “what works” in the abundance of ideas that may have been bubbling up since the end of May (a good counterweight for several weeks), and there may be a notion of fairly corrosive sorting to be carried out in this (don’t be afraid to quickly eject “what doesn’t work”).

Around the full moon of June 22, 2024 (roughly 5 days before), we can already feel a shift in elemental energy as Cancer begins to be enhanced by the transits of Mercury and Venus, closely followed by the Sun, so in very aquatic colors.

Ce sont ici des forces plus émotionnelles et réceptives qui peuvent donc trancher avec l’aspect mental et effervescent de la première partie de la lunaison, mais qui peuvent aussi pas mal écarteler entre ce qui sera pensé d’un coté et ce qui sera ressenti de l’autre (avec peut être donc des notions d’hésitations sur “le tri” qui aura été mené en amont, sur les choix précédents qui auront été faits).

The Full Moon will probably demand a lot of listening to your emotional world, but it’s not without pressure and introversion, since it also operates at the square of the Libra/Aries lunar node axis ( forming a Grand Cardinal Cross pattern then).

There may be something “unsaid”, or something that needs to be kept to oneself, totally or partially, or it may form a test of externalization to succeed in saying what will be felt most of all (including on an emotional level), and this may mark the second half of the lunation.

Note that the Black moon will shift into Libra in the last quarter of the lunation, and I’ll come back to this in a dedicated post, but it’s something to keep an eye on, especially in terms of relationships and emotions, where it can force certain edges (or highlight certain fears and wounds in this context).

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