Passion Astro New Moon september 3 2024 in Virgo

New Moon of September 03, 2024 in Virgo

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This lunation chart was drawn up at the exact moment of the Sun / Moon conjunction on September 03, 2024, it gives the “general” astral trends for the coming month mainly based on the Aspects and Signs of the zodiac.
This study must be nuanced by bringing it closer to your birth chart, and to your Transits and Progressions for Forecasts.
Think, to help you, to read my interpretation article of the New moon and Full moon in houses.

Main signs impacted during the lunation:

The 1st decans of the Cardinal cross and the 2nd decans of the Mutable cross.

Very energetic beginning and middle of lunation

The back-to-school period in September looks rather dynamic, and could bring some interesting breakthroughs compared to August.

The beginning of this lunation seems to be particularly sensitive in this respect, and can help you to decide certain things more definitively, and several astrological factors are interesting to look at in this respect.

In the 1st decan of Libra, a triple conjunction of Venus, strong in domicile, with the Black moon and the South Node, can give rise to several possible interpretations.

It’s a good pattern, for example, for a new encounter with a particular karmic charge, someone with whom you may feel you already have a liability, a debt, something to continue and/or settle, but who may be more particularly “magnetic”, especially emotionally speaking.

We can see that the transit of Mars is still in a quadrature orb with this triple conjunction, so it’s not out of the question that this could translate into “confrontational” logics, both relational and affective, and that the Black moon is calling for something to be “finalized” (this could be in the refusal to continue reproducing some patterns indefinitely, in the need to emancipate oneself from them, to become more aware of them, to refuse them, etc., see here what I’ve said about the transit of the Black moon in Libra through 2024/2025).

The transit of Mars is also quite “confused”, I’d say. At the beginning of the lunation, we can see that it’s also forming a square to Neptune, and that it’s about to fall into Cancer, so the planet of Fire is very much in the grip of various watery forces, which tend to want to “extinguish” it, or to blur the forces of action and dynamism.

Again, there are several possible interpretations: perhaps it’s the difficulty of really making a decision and translating it into action, or that the sharpness demanded by the Black moon is more easily hurtful, or that there’s a disturbance with what’s being felt.

These are also forces that are more easily “defensive”, so it’s possible that Venusian relational tensions will require you to justify yourself, to plead on behalf of a cause or someone, to argue your decisions, in certain palavers, but that this will be done in a context where one of the 2 sides will inevitably have the impression of “losing” something, of not winning their case (which will be felt more towards the 2nd decade of September).

The full moon on September 18, 2024 will be a “Super Moon”, meaning that it will take place closer to the earth than usual, so will tend to be felt more strongly by people who are sensitive to it, or more than usual in any case.

The full Moon will be in Pisces, close to Saturn and Neptune, so it may well emphasize the receptive aquatic forces, and it will even be a partial lunar eclipse, since the North Node will be nearby in Aries (so it’s a very energetic full Moon, likely to mark several months).

The period can reinforce a major confrontation between the mind and emotions, between what will be felt on the one hand, and what will be thought about on the other (we also see Mercury strong in domicile in Virgo close to the Sun, and which can develop even very analytical, fastidious strengths).

This half of the lunation can mark a paroxysm, and will be very useful for confrontation and opposition, as a test of assertiveness. There are many important Opposition energies and Squares, which underline rather conflictual mechanisms, where we need to face the other, to be objective, to show equanimity (or to call on a third party to settle a situation in this very context).

The end of the lunation seems to evoke a test of purity, in that it can help purge / purify / emancipate and/or sort things out accordingly, and it has several interesting harmonic phases to help these elements, and which seem to indicate an upward exit, i.e. one that is in line with justice, fairness, appeasement.

Be careful, moreover, to focus on this second half of the lunation, to wrap up everything that requires dynamic, active energy, because from October onwards, several astrological phases will set in, such as the entry into the retrograde loop of Mars, and the retrograde transit of Jupiter, which seem to indicate more “slowdowns” for many people (on a social and relational level), and over the medium term, likely to mark several weeks and months, we must be aware of this…

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